Animals & Pets personal stories

Stories of mothers day..

Giving my mom chickens for mothers day/ her birthdayMothers day is just around the corner and that means I will be staying with my mom for the weekend on “The Ranch” out in New River, AZ.

It has become a tradition for us to go hang out with her and help her expand her ranch each year…

Mothers day is actually very close to my moms birthday so there is no skipping the celebrations!

A few years back, when my mom was still getting settled on “The Ranch” N and I thought it would be fun to get my mom her own chickens!

We bought them here in town, kept them in the cage inside out apartment. Got pooped on when we tried to hold them and well we enjoyed their presence for about a week before we drove to the ranch with “The chicken dance” song blasting as we pulled up. Then I presented her with her first pair of chickens.

Each year it is something different, last year we planted her a garden of herbs and flowers.. This year we have an equally “green” gift in mind- I can’t tell you what it is because she reads this blog.. so you will just have to wait but we do have a plan!

Oh and we are going to make our own all natural soap (idea courtesy of Martha Stewart) while we are visiting because my mom is excited to try the recipe she saw on TV.

We are a lively bunch and always seem to make memories when we are together no matter what we do.

Now that I have got you thinking bout your mom and mothers day maybe you would like to enter a mothers day contest and perhaps win an adorable set of ceramics for your mother! I did and thought maybe you might want to.. Contests are fun!

<p>A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.<br /> Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.</p>

0 thoughts on “Stories of mothers day..

  1. Can hardly wait to hear about your new surprise! I am glad that you and your mom are so close and that she is close enough to share lots of good times with her.

    April’s last blog post..Giveaway

  2. I have always wanted chickens! Unfortunately I live in the city right now.

    We used to plant pansies for my mom every Mother’s Day when I was kid. She’s a bit far away now, so not sure what I’ll do for Mother’s Day.

    Soap making is great fun! I used to be a soap maker, drop me a note if you want any recipes/tips.

    Marie in Maine’s last blog post..Azaleas

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