product/ service review

Trying to take better care of the skin with DermaLastyl-β

Infusion_therapyI had the opportunity to try a new skin cream that claims to be “the secret to younger looking skin” it is called DermaLastyl-β. I got a sample in the mail that I excitedly tried.

I have some fine lines around my eyes that I have been looking to reduce, crows feet or something… On the DermaLastyl site they share much praise and scientific evidence about Dermalastyl and how it can benefit everyone plus the have a 100% money back guarantee.

On the site I learned that DermaLastyl-β:

  1. Supplements elastin levels in the skin’s surface
  2. Reduces the appearance of existing wrinkles and help prevent the onset of new wrinkles
  3. There is no other product sold today that contains human Tropoelastin

All the claims and testimonials sound great, huh? Well, here is what I noticed when I got to sample .25 oz of DermaLastyl-β.

Upon receiving the sample I just followed the usage instruction on the container. I didn’t look up the product on the internet or read anyone else’s reviews of the product until after I was done testing. I wanted my review to be 100% based upon only my personal experiences with the product.

The first thing I noticed while applying the cream was the smell. My pregnancy must have really heightened my scent sensitivity because it had a strong metallic smell that lasted a good 24 hours. Several hours after applying the cream I also noticed that my face sort of smelled a bit like a mildewy towel and some pennies.

I was not pleased with how my face smelled and I was really worried that others would be able to smell it on me so I tried to stay home while testing the cream. Again it could have just been my heightened sense of smell at work here…

Several days after running out of the cream I also noticed that I began to breakout quite a bit. My skin has been so clear and healthy throughout the pregnancy (aside from the crows feet) but after I ran out of the cream I got many pretty big zits that were annoying and I did also notice my wrinkles being more obvious once the cream was gone.

I didn’t notice and considerable positive changes in my skin while I was using DermaLastyl-β. Perhaps it was because I only had the .25 oz to use. The site says “we guarantee you will notice a difference in thirty days” so it could be that I didn’t have enough product to see full results.



A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Trying to take better care of the skin with DermaLastyl-β

  1. Unsolicited advice follows:

    You really might want to not do any product testing like this while you’re pregnant. Some cosmetics contain hormone-like substances that could have an effect on the baby. After looking at a bit of information about this one, I don’t think it does, but even DNA derived applications aren’t something to take lightly.

    So, yeah I’m a bit of an overprotective mother and am treating you like my child, but take care, OK?

  2. Like Donna…. I hope you cleared this stuff with your OB before testing it. I had to stop my acne stuff (ProAciv) while pregnant because the chemicals absorb into the skin and enters the blood stream, blah, blah, blah… baby, blah.

    Anyway…I’ve had bad luck with some high powered wrinkle creams giving me acne, too! I stick with Garnier Skin Renew or Olay Definity–they don’t cause acne.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Dear Mr Hyphen, Yer Gonna Laugh. Someday.

  3. Isn’t it funny how people are so different…I loved it because I didn’t think it had a scent at all! I also have almost half my container left, and I’ve been using it twice a day for over a week now. Were you using too much?

    corrins last blog post..RIP Bettie Page

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