You have arrived at the Blogger Resources page of my blog, welcome! The following articles may be of interest to you and your won blogging endeavors:
- The Ethics of Writing Sponsored Posts & Getting Paid to Blog – The ethics of sponsored posts and/ or paid links often get overlooked and ignored by the average blogger.
- Make money writing blog posts– I am experimenting with I have been trying new ways to earn money writing. I would love to be able to write articles and focus on my online business all form the comfort of my home.
- So You Have a Blog and a Dream – How Do You Get There? – You have your blog and your content and you want to make money with your blog. Wondering what is next? find out how to make your blog valuable and profitable!
- Real Rank- New way to rank your blog-Did you know that a new ranking system just for blogs is live? It’s called RealRank…
- Audio ads on your site, New money making idea– Lots of people are making money with their blogs or websites. Whether it’s adsense pay per click, affiliate sales marketing, paid posts or other advertising people everywhere are making money off their websites. I just learned of a new way for site owners to monetize their sites…
- Blog carnivals, a new way to gain readers and links– Occasionally I will post a compilation of several articles that touch on motivational living or on living more simply and naturally. I enjoy reading what others have written on these topics…
- Gain readers by joining the “ireply” movement– There truly is more to blogging that the obvious posting aspect of it. While I was learning about new ideas and trends in the blogosphere I found The iREPLY movement.
- Lost your page rank? Do you write paid posts or do you pay to have others write about you? Did you know that many bloggers who get paid to blog are suffering from dramatic page rank drops? Do you know why? It is because of google’s rules about “passing page rank” through paid links.
- Useful tools for a committed blogger– Are you a committed blogger? I remember someone referring to blog upkeep as “watering the blog” to keep it growing and healthy.
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