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Yuck, I made "cowboy coffee" this morning…

Cowboy Coffee (coffee with grounds in it)So, we got this new coffee maker because our old one was like 10 years old and it took several hours to brew one freaking pot of coffee. It was evaporating the water before it managed to drip through the system and onto the coffee grounds.

N’s birthday is coming so I thought getting him a coffee maker would be a nice early birthday present for the whole house so I cruised on over to and got a programmable coffee maker that arrived in no time.

Since N is away on business I have been the coffee maker and I suck! Well actually the filters suck.. We had all these cone shaped natural filters for our old coffee maker and for this new coffee maker we need the white basket type coffee filters. Being the cheap economical one I insisted we use all the coffee filters we already have before buying new ones..

Well, there is a reason they have special coffee filters specifically for specific coffee makers.. Each makers grounds basket is different and not all filters fit perfectly. Anyway, the coffee filter slumped over allowing the coffee grounds to escape from the coffee filter and they made it right into the coffee pot. My mom calls this “cowboy coffee”… Yuck!

P.S. I found the above image via google images and wanted to share with you that it is not my own, the one I took sucks! It is from: I just put it on my own sever to avoid hot linking the image. Here is my sucky image..


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

7 thoughts on “Yuck, I made "cowboy coffee" this morning…

  1. Oh, I hate it when that happens. It sometimes happens even when you are using the correct filters for the coffeepot. I have had it happen where I put in the filter and close the unit but it was not perfectly placed in the unit so it caught and folded over as it closed, and coffee grounds all got by the filter and into the pot itself. Yuck. I like Missburrows idea about the free cowboys. 😉

    teeni’s last blog post..I’m Outta Here!

  2. We are a business of Cowboy/Cowgirl coffee. Our web is listed above. First and foremost decide on real cowboy
    coffee beans which are fresh and strong and whole-bean
    Secondly you wouldn’t cut a tree down with a sabre saw.
    When making cowboy coffee you want to use a percolator
    not an auto drip coffee maker. Thirdly when using a paper filter you loose about 20% of the flavor. If the
    coffee is preground that’s close to 70% loss. You then are drinking dirty water only. Check out our site. If
    you don’t buy ours at least stick with the real deal.
    You won’t be disappointed.Good luck!

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