Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

The exciting news we are ready to share. It’s a …

It’s true we have some exciting news to share. It was officially announced to our close circle of loved ones our wedding. Actually, we’ve been dropping hints here and there and even dropped a major hint at the actual wedding… You already know that we had our belated wedding this month right? If not, you can read about it and see photos here.

Anyway, we kept our exciting news super secret for almost 5 months until we hinted at it with our custom crafted wedding cake topper. Later in the wedding we made a public announcement confirming what afew had already guessed…

We are expecting our third child in early December of this year!


It figures really, because each time we even think of planning our wedding I’ve found myself with child. We got engaged and just a few weeks later had conceived Everly… The wedding was postponed of course, then we had Adalyn. This time, Adalyn was older and we were ready to secure a wedding date anda location. We paid the non-refundable deposit to hold our wedding venue, then in april we discovered we were expecting again. This time the wedding had to go on despite the surprise pregnancy though, the money had already changed hands.

The last few weeks leading up to the wedding were anxious ones of not knowing if I’d fit in my stinking wedding dress. My poor bridesmaids had to hear about it often as they were the only ones “in the know” about the growing belly. I bought a “plan b” dress just incase I got to big for my wedding dress.

Amazingly, at 18 weeks pregnant I was still able to squeeze my wedding dress on and we got down the aisle before breaking the news.

Today at our 20 week ultrasound we found out we would be expecting a boy this winter!

We had planning to find out yesterday but my doctor (yes, I said doctor- not midwife, more on that later!) got called to a labor during my appointment time and the ultrasound clinic didn’t have an agreeable time to see me yesterday… so, we had to wait another day for the gender news.

It looks like we are going to need a whole new set of kids clothes now  (we will gladly take you hand me downs!) and we are going to need a bigger house so he wont have to share a room with the girls.


It’s a BOY!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

2 thoughts on “The exciting news we are ready to share. It’s a …

  1. Congratulations! So so happy for you guys! Made me cry! Happiness and love and blessings to you! Xo

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