Life in Evansville personal stories wedding planning

Published articles and too good to be true discoveries…

It is raining like crazy here today! N and I just checked out a local bridal consignment shop that had many dresses that were similar in style to the one I like. They were all smaller than a size 8 too!

Also, I have another article published on the web today, I am a guest author @  Turns out some classic Broadway productions are being performed in Evansville over the next few months, yay good theater! So I wrote about it for their site and can’t wait to see a few shows with N. If you have time head on by my article (linked above) and show some love!

Now for the “too good to be true” discovery: Remember the first wedding dress in my last post that I loved? Well I found it on Ebay in my actual size! I am pretty amazed and excited. It is 80% cheaper than the one I tried on at Davids Bridal, it seems too good to be true huh?

Now I am not all for making big purchases on ebay (especially clothes), it makes me kind of nauseous actually so I did some research. Ebay has a buyer protection policy in conjunction with paypal. If you buy something that is described one way but it comes as something completely different you can report the seller and paypal will work to get your money back.

Also, if you are smart and link your major credit card with your paypal account (not a debit card) you can do a “chargeback” through your credit card company directly. Often times doing a chargeback is easier than going through a 3rd party company (like paypal or ebay) to get resolution.

So, my game plan is to wait until the ebay auction is almost over, nobody has bid on it yet. I have taken screen shots of the sellers auction page to prove how the item was described on the auction page. Lastly, I’ll be funding my paypal account with my trusty visa card as they have an awesome chargeback/ buyers protection policy.

If I don’t win the dress I’ll just find one that is similar to it at a consignment shop or on craigslist. N found me a size 4 Oleg Cassini that is similar to the one I like in St. Charles, MI for a good price. I also found one in Kansas that might work. Basically there are pleanty of other options so we feel good about not buying in to the David’s Bridal “pressure sales” tactic and dropping $900 on a dress. Especially since their “special discount” sale that was going to save us $200, that ended 10/6 appears to be on again. What a scam!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Published articles and too good to be true discoveries…

  1. Good luck with the auction on ebay! I have never had a problem with anything I’ve gotten from ebay. So, I’m just going to assume that it will work out wonderfully for you:) Glad you listened to your gut(and budget)and didn’t fall for the pressure sale.

    And yay for having another article posted!!

    Beckys last blog post..Pumpkins and Monopoly

  2. Clap clap clap on the article! I also have never had a problem with e-bay, but I have never bought anything expensive,, or large. Good luck with the auction, they are so addicting!

    Loris last blog post..Do you spoon?

  3. Talina, good going. I hope you get the dress of your dreams for a fraction of the cost.

    And, yes, to participate in Project 365, you post one picture a day that you have taken on your blog, and tag it with project 365. Did you read the articles I linked to ? You can also join the flickr group and post your 365 photos there as well as on your blog. Supposedly, the point of it is to look at everyday things in a new light and to become a better photographer.

    Karens last blog post..Project 365 Day 2

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