personal stories pregnancy

Almost out of the woods now…

I can’t believe that I am 10 weeks pregnant already. I was so lucky to skip the whole throwing up morning sickness thing. Other than aches and fatigue the 1st trimester has been a breeze (now that I have adjusted to being in bed eating all the time and being tired all the time).

December 11th is my 2nd prenatal checkup and I am amazed at how much better I am beginning to feel! I was up and out of bed all afternoon enjoying the holiday goodness that is our living room. Over the weekend N dug out the holiday decorations and we got our holiday tree so we decorated the place up and I have been enjoying it all day.

My energy level is increasing and all my other symptoms are improving as well so this is a relief to me. I learned that towards the end of the 1st trimester a woman’s blood supply greatly increases and my observed dizziness is my body trying to adjust to the changes in blood supply. I am working to move slower when I stand up or bend down as this is the main cause of the dizziness.

The whole idea that N and I are pretty much 100% alone out here has started to set in now that the holidays are close. We wont be visiting family this holiday season since we now live 1000’s of miles away from them. We are planning to send them some gifts but we’ll be all alone for Christmas this year.

I’ll also be going without a baby shower as a result of the miles between us. It is disappointing and sad for us, especially since this is our first child and it is such a big life event that we’ll be experiencing all alone. Although we are sad to be alone we are also happy that we were able to get life in order as a result of this move. I guess it is a trade off huh?

Either way I am excited to spend the holidays with N and to have my next prenatal appointment. Yay for being pregnant and for Christmas.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Almost out of the woods now…

  1. @Maiden53: you stole my idea about an internet shower!! That’s what I was thinking:) I’m willing to help plan it if you want help.

    I understand what its like to celebrate the holidays without having your loved ones close by. Ever since my mom moved back to Maine, I have no family here except for Travis and the kids. And we aren’t close to his side of the family at all. We’ve really learned to count on each other…which is both good and bad.

    Anyway, I’m glad that you are starting to feel better. The 2nd trimester is the best, as far as comfort goes…so enjoy it while it lasts:)

    Beckys last blog post..I’m Sorry

  2. Wow! Time is flying by. So glad to hear your first trimester is nearly over. I think my fatigue subsided quickly after I entered my second trimester. I remember my energy level felt back to normal. I hope the same will happen for you!

    Momisodess last blog post..Blast From The Past

  3. From a slightly different perspective, I commiserate with you over spending the holidays “alone”. That’s in quotes because you really aren’t alone, you are a family of your own and that is awesome.

    One of the toughest things for me to cope with is which child and which grandchildren to spend the holidays with. My dream, my goal is to somehow get all five of them and their children in the same place — I don’t care where! — so I can be with all of them. It will happen, I just don’t know when or where.

    Donna B.s last blog post..What I’m Reading Online Today

  4. maiden53 » How sweet of you guys to suggest and internet shower, but what is it? Ha, I barely know what goes in to an in person baby shower so I am clueless…

  5. Donna B. » Yep in January we’ll be able to see the sex of the baby and we so want to know! At first we were thinking it was a boy but these days all signs are pointing to a girl. I think the universe is telling us it is a girl.

  6. I’m glad your feeling better!!! Your 2nd trimester is when you feel the best. The last trimester you will probably start feeling tired again.When you guys find out what the sex is, I plan on sending you stuff. It’s hard not to have your loved ones around. I am going through the same thing, am 2300 miles away from everybody. But like you said, you have a beautiful baby on the way so the trade is worth it 🙂 Have you guys decided on any names yet?

  7. In person baby showers are a lot of fun, especially if men are invited. I think we’ll be able to come up with a fun way to do it online. What’s going to be hard for us comes after delivery in not getting to hold Tater Tot!

    Donna B.s last blog post..Whoa… Facebook Phishing?

  8. an online delivery sounds great! 😉 N can do a live video cast!! LOL I know, that is truly invading on your privacy but would be cool for the rest of us! 🙂 I know that an online type of shower will not be as fun as games and being able to hug you, but it will help so much with things for your Tater.

    maiden53s last blog post..Hear Ye, Hear Ye and a Yippeee!


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