Life in Evansville pregnancy

18 week milestone for baby Tater Tot and parents

Many of you already know that this is a big week for us and little Tater Tot. On Thursday we will be at 19 weeks, will learn the sex of our baby and attend another prenatal exam with the OBGYN. I am sure seeing her will just be a delight as usual. Plus we are asking her for copies of all our prenatal records.

We’ve already witnessed much baby movement that began last week and I’ve also accepted and embraced the fact that NONE of my pants fit anymore. I had my “oh-my-gawd-I-can’t-do-this-we-aren’t-ready” anxiety that transitioned in to some “nothing-is-how-I-imagined-it-would-be” nesting anxiety that kept me up at night and unpleasant to be around.

Over the weekend we went to baby depot to search for some maternity pants and possibly a pregnancy pillow. I’ve been rubber banding and pinning pants and even have a few pairs of regular pants I bought that are a size bigger to accommodate the growing belly. All the above methods have resulted in me looking like I am wearing a circus tent, which just makes me feel like crap some more.

As for the pregnancy pillow, we were looking for something that provides full body support and does not take up 75% of our queen size bed. Poor N has no room to sleep anymore with all my body pillow action and we are not okay with separate sleeping arrangements so we went on a pregnancy pillow hunt.

I saw the Boppy Total Body Pillow way back in the day at target when we went in to start our baby registry right after we learned we were indeed pregnant. I wasn’t showing and didn’t need it at the time so we didn’t buy it, we just registered for it.

Since then the boppy pillow has been impossible to find in this town and we did not want to order it online since I need it now. I was hoping to get it for Christmas and turns out N was trying to get it for me from babys r-us as a Christmas gift but they were always out of stock…

Anyway we were looking for the boppy pregnancy pillow but found the snoogle at baby depot instead and bought it, it is a good thing too. Babys r-us still does not have the boppy in stock!

Anyway the Snoogle Total Body Pillow is amazing and I am so loving it! Oh and I did find me a pair of maternity jeans and a few shirts at baby depot too, yay for clothes that fit! Baby depot rocks, we should have registered there instead of target… Oh well.

Now we are starting to get excited about picking out clothing and a fun theme for our nursery/ office. We fell in love with a convertible crib at baby depot that was really cool but expensive.

It’ll be something we have to save up for after the birth, we are hoping to get a small bassinet like this one for our bedroom until Tater is older. This gives us time to save and shop around for the convertable crib but we think the concept is a good investment.

Convertible cribs go from crib to toddler bed to full size bed. How cool is that? You can see one here, we are also thinking of getting the matching dresser and stuff to outfit the room if we have the money. Ah the posibilities and expenses…

So we’ll have belly pics and Tater’s sex to share following the appointment on thursday. Exciting stuff!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “18 week milestone for baby Tater Tot and parents

  1. LOL, Maternity clothes are sexy aren’t they. I tried fitting into my pants as long as I could this pregnancy but I seemed to gain weight quicker this time. You get to the point that your not fitting into your clothes and you feel fat, but your not really showing yet, that irritated me. haha. You can register at other places besides Target. I registered at J.c penny’s I think and Walmart.
    The comvertible crib is the way to go. I got one for Riley. I think they can use it up to like 6 or 7 yrs old which is great. The bassionette will be good though to start off. I really like the Zen bassoinette you showed me.
    You’ll have to let me know what theme you are going for when you find out the sex of Tater. I’m excited to find out what he/she is ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Wow, can’t believe you’re at 18 weeks! Time is going fast!

    The snoogle looks interesting! I hope it helps the sleep situation.

    How exciting to learn the gender this week! Enjoy the moment!

  3. Finding out that Seth was a boy was my favorite prenatal appointment! That’s where we started picking out names and figuring out nursery themes and all that fun stuff.

    As far as getting copies of your records, many doctor’s offices will make you sign a paper and then mail the records to where you want them to go. I haven’t come across many that will let you leave with a copy in hand. Maybe your doc will do something different and let you have them:)

    Beckys last blog post..Ring Around a-Rosie

  4. Becky, thanks for sharing your info on retrieving medical records. It varies in each state. I found the Indiana HIPAA info on this site which outlines our rights to get a copy of our records. It also outlines the amount a provider can charge you for the copies of the record. Thank goodness for HIPAA!

  5. I’m so happy that you found that info. I just didn’t want you walking in there and then finding out something else that wasn’t going the way you planned!! And they can charge you?!? That’s crazy!

    Beckys last blog post..Ring Around a-Rosie

  6. Becky ยป

    I am sure it will still go a bit funky as most people don’t ask for records and they are going to be all suspicious of me but knowing my rights and having N there to help me will insure it all works out. I was warned by someone else that doctors sometimes ask for like a $20 fee to copy all the records and that I may get the runaround when asking for mine… It all varies state by state so we’ll see how smooth it goes for me.

    I am sure doctors just get weird about it all because the thing asking for records sometimes means you are looking to take your business elsewhere and they wouldn’t want that.

  7. How exciting! I can’t wait to read tomorrow’s post!

    The cheapest way out is to buy a travel crib. It’s bigger than a bassinet, but still easy to move, and you can use it on trips later. They’re just not quite as cute as bassinets.

    Donna B.s last blog post..Sunday Morning Surfing Around

  8. Are you registered anywhere yet? let me know when and where, ok?

    Back in the old days when I had my children, you didn’t find out until they were born whether you had a boy or a girl. You just had a baby. I think it is great that you can know for sure and not waste money on the wrong stuff.

    Karens last blog post..Mail Lost And Found

  9. Wow! I cannot believe you’re almost half way there. Time is FLYING!

    A body pillow makes ALL the difference. We called mine Bob. As in “Move over Mr Hyphen, make room for Bob.” or “DO NOT FOR ONE SECOND THINK YOU CAN TOSS BOB ON THE FLOOR IN THE NIGHT AND THINK I WON’T KILL YOU!”.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Dear Mother Nature…. What Gives?

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