A pet bunny Animals & Pets Life in Evansville living simply outdoor pets personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Critters in my back yard: Rabbits, snakes, spiders, frogs and more.

There are only about 3 weeks left until I’ll be at The Farm. I am doing great and Tater seems to be planning to stay inside for a bit longer (thank goodness). I’ve told her she has to stay put until June 4th at least, that way she’ll be full term! In the meantime we […]

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A pet bunny Animals & Pets outdoor pets personal stories pregnancy

Pets are adjusted, I think. Hell has frozen over!

The animals are finally beginning to settle down, it is a freaking miracle! We aren’t waking to Dixie pawing at the door or excessive yowling from Hailey in the middle of the night AND everyone seems to be getting the hang of their new lives & homes. Dixie now uses her nifty dog house for […]

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