Do you believe in life force energy?? This is the idea that energy is present everywhere, both in animate and inanimate objects.
This idea has been widely accepted and is also believed to apply to our physical selves. Some quotes about this are “where thoughts flow energy goes” or “You become what you think about all day long and those days eventually become your lifetime.” –Wayne W. Dyer or “I think therefore I am”.
There are tons of books about how your thoughts dictate your physical reality such as: Manifest Your Destiny by Wayne W. Dyer
Simple Thoughts That Can Change Your Life by Gerald G., M.D. Jampolsky, Diane V., Ph.D. Cirincione
It is a new idea that has been around forever. People are just beginning to open their eyes to it. It truly is sweeping the globe and you have probably experienced some form of it in your lifetime.
Have you ever noticed that when you dwell on the bad or hold onto bad things you are miserable?? Ever notice when you are stomping around being angry things just seem to keep going wrong for you…
I had an especially fun experience with this a few months back. I was looking for a pair of pants (and was already in a bad mood) the dresser drawer would not go back in the dresser and I was getting so frustrated!! I threw the dresser drawer onto the bed and it bounced and punched a hole in the wall!! Just my luck huh??
Well, I was angry and holding on to all the things that went wrong and I was attracting negative to me, creating my own reality. It is a really hard concept to fully grasp and it is even harder to control but when you do it really can make life better!!
Try being more aware of how you feel and what you are thinking. How long does it take you to let go of the stuff that makes you angry?? Do you notice yourself being angry or feeling negative feelings more often than happy ones?? Do you try to control how you think throughout the day??
Something as simple as waking up in the morning and thinking (or speaking) some positive self affirming thoughts can have a huge effect on how your day goes. When something goes wrong find the positive aspect of the situation instead of dwelling on the bad or unpleasant. Try to spend more time on the good things (often the little things). Smell the flowers or take in the beauty of your surroundings instead of just rushing by. Give yourself time to enjoy the things around your and try to be conscious of your outlook on life, this will go hand in hand with finding thing to enjoy.
It is a long journey to reach the point where you can manifest your destiny but is well worth it and it makes life much more enjoyable!
I would be happy to help you – I came to your website and blog via the Freecycle post referring to your Frontpage request.
Just a short note to say I stumbled upon your blog and it was very inspiring and helpful to hear someone else face many of the same issues I have in the last couple of years. Yours was like reading from the heart though and that really comes across to me when someone puts it in their own words about the trials and tribulations of life. The part about you having to leave Flagstaff because of your significant other bothered me at first because I was saying “WHY”! does she have to give up her happiness just for him. It almost sounded like the male chauvanist thing again and what happens to him is more important. But after you opened your heart up and let it all go and said it would help you grow etc.. I guess maybe we should all learn from you how this could help oneself. (He is damn (sorry) lucky to have such a special person (so evolved and open hearted like yourself) . I want to wish you the best of luck and you will be rewarded threefold for your sacrifices because that was so nice of you .. Sorry, I was so winded in my comment to the first blog I ever answered. lol Christine, Sarasota, Fl