
Green Christmas

We are back from our holiday trip! Nathan and I headed down to the valley for our holiday celebrations. We took Dixie with us and she was so good! She just slept in the truck and she was very well behaved at my mother’s house (where we stayed).

This is me, Nathan and Dixie leaving Flagstaff on Devember 23. We are heading down to Phoenix for the holidays.

We spent the holidays with family down in phoenix because this is going to be our last Christmas living here in Arizona and we wanted to try and see everyone. On Christmas Eve we celebrated with my family at my moms house and on Christmas we went to see Nathan’s family in Scottsdale. We came home to celebrate on our own Christmas night.

This is Nathan, Jacob and Jerry playing the board game Cranium against me, my mom and Amanda on Christmas Eve after we celebrated.

This is Nathan, me and Mary Ellen on Christmas Day.

Once we got back to the comfort of our own home Dixie crashed! She had a long weekend of meeting new people and seeing new places!

I had a very green friendly Christmas!! My mother got me the rain water barrel that I mentioned a while back here on my blog and Nathan got me a compositor so our little back yard area is all rigged up with our earth friendly contraptions now.

Did you know: “Home composting, combined with recycling and yard waste programs, can reduce your waste by up to 80%”

We are so excited to report our rainwater barrel is collecting water right this very moment! We got some snow yesterday and it’s still snowing today.. As the snow melts and runs off the roof it’s draining into our rain water barrel. Come spring we will have about 50 gallons of free “gray water” to use on our plants! Also, we may have several pounds of compost for our plants depending on how fast the waste decomposes!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.


3 thoughts on “Green Christmas

  1. I love our Holiday photos! I really love how green we’re becoming in our little postage stamp size space in the city. Just think how green we’ll be when we actually have land!

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