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Happy St. Pattys day guys, dye your hair green like me!

Yep, St. Patrick’s day is today… Just realized this. Here is a little flashy, flash from the past for you:

green-hair-st-pattys-day.jpgWhen I was in 6th grade I was going to this girl scout party for St. Patrick’s day. They were having a contest, “wear the most green and win”. My step dad and I planned to go and win. Why do anything if you aren’t set on winning right?

Soooo, I had learned somewhere that you can dye your hair colors with kool-aid- What? It was the 1990’s! Can’t you tell by my bangs?

Anyway, the procedure was to boil water and add the contents of the kool-aid packet, then you put your hair in and it just died dyed it. Amazing huh?

Lol couldn’t spell in 6th grade apparently! Look ma, I now know the difference between dyed and died!!!

Anyway, I dyed my hair and it was very green, I won a measly award and the kool-aid dye didn’t EVER wash out like it was supposed to.

Yep, I was stuck with green hair for an extended period of time… See the school photo of the green madness? I was not to torn up about it, I told everyone I had won the contest and wore my green hair with pride. I was an odd one (heck I still am!)

Eventually I cut my hair and the green went bye-bye… I saved a piece and put it in my baby book as a keepsake. I knew one day I would look back and laugh, looks like today is the day!

Do you remember any old/ silly memories like this? Share yours and if you have a nifty photo or something to go with it post your own blog post on it and leave us the link below.. We can call this the “You did what when you were a kid” meme… Oh joy, can’t wait to hear your stories!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

8 thoughts on “Happy St. Pattys day guys, dye your hair green like me!

  1. Wow – that really is a green patch of hair. It’s amazing that KoolAid can do that. I wish your picture was bigger – it’s hard to see but I’m sure you looked cute as a little green haired girl scout. So how long was your hair green? I would love to try this sometime for fun but my hair is so dark I don’t know if it would work.

    teeni’s last blog post..Another Batch of Odd Search Terms and an Update

  2. I had green streaks last summer, and most summers actually. The goofy thing I did when I was about 15 was I smoked a pipe. It was studded with rhinestones and was tiny, with a bow. I’m such a badarse.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Ask witchypoo: 2012

  3. It was green for several months. Dark hair might make the colors look less strange.. I bet the KoolAid would give your dark hair a colorful hue!

  4. Hmm, don’t know if this qualifies, but my last blog entry is about a childhood memory that has come full circle with my granddaughter, something innocent then which may or may not be now, depends how you look at it. (I find it funny though). No idea how to get my last blog post to come up here like some posters do, but I think clicking on my name should get you there!

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