Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! N and I are still in bed and it is 11am. We are watching the Macy’s Day Parade while having coffee and doughnuts. Two of my favorite performances were by: One More Time Around Again Marching Band and the Florida Special Needs Colorguard.
I woke up this morning at 4am too empty the bladder and to get a good deal on one of the big sought after gifts of the holiday season for N. I am happy to say I got what I had my eye on for N for a great price and I did it all in my bathrobe in the living room before the sun was even up.
After scoring my sweet deal I crawled back in bed and went back to sleep. I love the internet, it saves me so much stress.
Last night after N got off work we had to brave the 24 hour super Walmart to get our grocery shopping done that we put off all week. My rapid milk drinking resulted in us being totally out of milk by this time yesterday and that is never a good thing. So we visited Walmart at about 9pm and it was still a freaking madhouse.
We figured going before Thanksgiving would be way better than having to go after Thanksgiving when all the holiday sales are happening and people are going crazy. Just being in the store last night was enraging enough so I am super happy that I snagged the gift I needed online this morning.
Now I wont have to fight the crowds and search high and low in stores for N’s big gift, yay!
What does you Thanksgiving day look like? Did you visit any stores or are you just staying home and cooking?
Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrate in October, but it is usually at my brother’s house as he has the biggest eating area! Not usually to much drama, although get me and my mom in the same room and fireworks can easily start. I just stay away from too much wine,, lol.
Loris last blog post..I am having an affair,,,, WITH MY HOUSECOAT!
Yeah!! for N and your NO stress shopping!
maiden53s last blog post..Hear Ye, Hear Ye and a Yippeee!
So what is it you got N? I’m intreigued myself now 😛
I’ve had an ok turkey day, but no turkey itself. Sad times. Glad its going well for you though 🙂 Have a great rest of the day!
Dans last blog post..Christmas Is Here…What Will You do?
Hooray for coffee and doughnuts in bed, and online shopping!
witchypoos last blog post..Happy Thursday, Turkeys!
Coffee and donuts in bed while watching parades. Downright decadent, and I’m just a tad bit jealous we don’t have a TV in the bedroom.
We had a great day and I hope every one else did too.
Donna B.s last blog post..Stuffed And Happy
It’s 2am AZ time right now! I set my alarm for 1am so that I could get the best deals at Toys R Us that Santa is bring! Let me just say I got Aidan a MP3 player for $9.88 and Liam a ball pit for $14.99 and I didnt have to pay shipping!!! And like you I did it in my jammies in the comfort of my own home!!! Cant beat that!
So now tomorrow if its not raining I will pack up some turkey sandwitches and were going to head over to Temp Town Lake to burn off some of todays cals!
I made the best sweet potatos today!!! Gosh they are so good I had them for dessert insead of pie!
I hope you two or should I say 3 had a great day!
I love you T and Tater!
Krystal McCarthy » It is 4:45 here and I just scored another hot item for N that people are fighting in stores for right now. Woot! Now time to go back to bed.
Hey you! Sounds like you had a lovely day. we did brave the store – because we had to go pick up our Thanksgiving dinner! 😉 Didn’t snag any gifts though – just food.
And Sears.com blew up on me this morning.
Rees last blog post..I’m thankful for all of my readers…
That sounds like you had a great day. My day started at 6:45am and I never stopped moving until I fell into bed at 8pm. It was a great day!
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..One goes out, they ALL go out