Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words posts with video pregnancy

The Renters and the Slumlords: The drama comes to a close (and other updates).

On Sunday Slumlady actually met us at the old rental home and did a walk though inspection with us. We managed to get her on the phone Friday morning following the 33rd week prenatal appointment. We weren’t too sure she would actually show up to the appointment… We still let the neighbors know of the […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

25th week prenatal appointment updates and brain dump.

Yesterday was my 25 week prenatal appointment with the useless OBGYN. Got the all clear on mine and Tater’s health. Things are still going normally and are on track. I weighed in at 123.5 lbs which is 4.5 pounds more than last checkup. That is perfectly normal when you remember the recommended weight gain during […]

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funny posts Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Um, hi! Can you spray your germs somewhere else, please? [*warning* graphic snot pic ;-)]

As you know we’ve been busting our butts to get stuff done these days. Yesterday we had my chiropractor appointment, talked with our slumlords on the phone (and got out of our lease), then we went to the bank per their request to place stop payments on the 2 checks we sent them for rent […]

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