11:26:24 AM: She is crashed out on my lap right now and we are finally coming out of our daze. 11:30:11 AM: We are heading home tomorrow and all is going well. The stitches are killing me… 11:31:27 AM: and we are still trying to get the hang of breastfeeding. 11:33:03 AM: It all hasnt […]
Tag: delivery
My water broke, baby is coming. A Twitter live blog
June 22nd 2009 7:45:15 AM: My water broke at 7:30 am! 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. Here we go! 9:40:53 AM: I’ll do my best to keep sharing labor updates. Woot! Baby time! 9:49:13 AM: http://twitpic.com/83ov0 – Just finished the lettering. 10:46:21 AM: Blogged: My water broke at 7:30 am! 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. […]
Still not in labor.
6:16:46 PM: Well i am 39 weeks pregnant now and still waiting. All kinds of stuff is happening with us. 6:19:24 PM: My mom made it here and is going 100 miles a min, thinks that is good for getting labor started. N is finishing his work day 6:21:21 PM: He cant wait too get […]
The art of crotchsicles for home birthing.
Take your ingredients… Combine them and soak some pads! Soak the pads good! They will swell. Place them in a plastic bag. Freeze those babies good… …and after birth you will a nice soothing frozen pad for the vagina. Arnica is for soreness and bruising, witch hazel is an astringent that soothes irritated tissues and […]
Tuesday update from The Farm
2:03:36 PM: Went in to Columbia to meet the back up doc today. Still gaining weight. 2:20:27 PM: Pamela says we look to be on track for a short delivery. Not so short that N wont make here though. 2:24:59 PM: I am almost 100% effaced, baby’s station is about -1 and I am now […]
… and the waiting game begins.
7:08:21 PM: N just headed back home and I am here crying my eyes out. 7:09:56 PM: Pamela brought me some dinner from her garden. 7:12:41 PM: I am still holding at 1 cm and Taters head is way low. The wait really begins now! 7:50:09 PM: Blogged: … and the waiting game begins. http://tinyurl.com/mgpzyw
LiveBlog: Tornado Watches give me contractions!
4:42 PM Sitting out the tornado warning, lights are flickering. Me and the cats are hanging out in the down stairs bathroom. Fun times! 5:00 PM: RT @Jeff_Lyons: “Tornado Watch for most of the tri-state now in effect until midnight cdt” That means me! What about the Evansville Birth Network meeting tonight? 5:11 PM http://twitpic.com/75cxo […]
36 Weeks and 6 days pregnancy TMI update
12:05:17 PM: Just lost some of my mucus plug, 1 cm dilated as of yesterday.12:14:27 PM: Sitting down for pancakes and bacon with N now. 1:07:57 PM: It is so exciting to know that progress is being made as far as having the baby goes. 1:09:08 PM: N and I were talking about how Tater […]
36 week progress, practice labor? We'll see!
5:42:00 PM: Childbirth update: Non-hurty contraction, baby fish flops and swims around, repeat contraction, repeat baby movement, repeat contraction… 6/1/2009 4:15 – tightening, no pain, eating a sandwich and sitting at kitchen table 4:46 – tightening, discomfort, no cramping or stabbing pain, sitting at kitchen table- Left front hip hurts, right lower back/ hip hurts […]
Testing the live blog tweeting…
10:08:39 PM: Having some practice contractions… Need to make dinner. 10:12:22 PM: Loving my new wordpress/ twitter blogging plugin I just installed! http://tinyurl.com/czxb9c Gonna use it 2 tweet my birth!