home birth advocacy parenting personal stories

Press Release: The Big Push for Midwives Campaign responds to ACOG's Newest Position Statment

Displaying a stunning lack of regard for patient autonomy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a statement this week declaring that the group will “allow” laboring women to drink “modest amounts” of clear fluids during labor while continuing to prohibit access to solid food…

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Featured Life in Evansville pictures say 1000 words pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Less-words Wednesday: Pregnancy Home Stretch Edition

There are only two more days until I leave you all and head off to wait on my little girls arrival. I am totally feeling ready for this and am very anxious for labor to begin. Saw the chiropractor yesterday and was all out of whack again. Even more so now that Tater’s bones are […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant, another belly shot shared.

I am eating some nut & chocolate trail mix. Just slathered more goop on the belly and was thinking I should write a 35 week pregnancy post. Still pregnant as ever, feeling more and more uncomfortable as the days pass. Am still gaining weight despite all the talk in books about how weight gain slows […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Gestational diabetes screening in pregnant woman, how my situation unfolds.

I seriously debated whether or not to post my last entry because I felt it was an unresolved issue that left me open to the possibility of getting tons of “you are a crazy hippy, listen to your doctor” feedback… You guys are amazing though! I never imagined I would receive so much helpful information […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Hump day is kicking my butt!! All I want to do is sleep.

Man, I am drained today and have no idea why! It is a nice day, not to cold and not to warm. Spring is upon us and the garden is showing first signs of life. I’ve got plenty of things I should be doing like cleaning house, finishing up building the cat house, packing, crocheting […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories

Prenatal appointments, huge zits and freezing rain fill my brain.

This week I have not one but two prenatal appointments scheduled. I am now in my 15th week of pregnancy (yippie!) and will be meeting Pamela @ The Farm this weekend. We are also seeing the OBGYN on Thursday morning for our 3rd prenatal appointment. N is anticipating the prenatal appointments because he gets anxious […]

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Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research home birth advocacy Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy

In Indiana breathing mold is okay but home birth is not, just an FYI.

Yeah I know the title seems kind of odd huh? I have been tying all sorts of weird things together these days like posts about a ladies hoo-hoo’s and mold. This is just the way my brain is working these days… Hopefully it is mildly entertaining for you cause this mold thing is making me […]

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Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research get involved home birth advocacy pregnancy

Lets take back our birthing rights!

Did you know the United States is ranked 29th (among industrialized countries) with regards to infant mortality rate? “Since ranking a fairly respectable 12th in 1960, the U.S. fell to an all-time low 29th in the world in infant mortality in 2004, according to the report Recent Trends in Infant Mortality in the United States […]

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