Animals & Pets personal stories

3 months to go till we move, again!

Last week was the first week of being forced to showed our current rental home. The owners decided to put it back on the market 3 months into our 6 month lease. So, I was home last Friday when this Native American couple came with their agent to tour the home.

The showing was fairly quick and cordial so it was no huge inconvenience for me (other than having to wrangle the animals and clean the place). Yesterday we got a call from the landlords office to schedule another showing for this week, on Friday.

Then N calls me and says he just talked to J, our landlord, and it seems like the house is going to sell. The couple that came through last week made an offer on the house so it looks like we may not have to show it much more once it all becomes official.

Our lease is still valid through August so the new owners will have to let us stay till the end of our contract but it looks like ball will be rolling come August regardless of job prospects! We will be moving from this rental and hopefully to a new town where N is making more, we will buy a home, settle down and perhaps have a baby. Oh, yeah a wedding might fit in there somewhere but if it doesn’t we’re legally tied anyway.

Speaking of moving, we are toying with the idea of RVing the pets and ourselves to our new location when it is time to move. I am set on getting a beater RV, conversion van or similar that we can drive with the animals in it. We will sleep in camp grounds or parking lots on our way and it will be quite the journey! I’ll be blogging the experience of course and I expect it will be quite the adventure!

So we are looking for an RV that we can buy for under $2300, it will cost about $2300 to rent an RV and make the drive so I figure if we can buy something that will get us there that we will also own once it is all said and done it is a better investment! Here are some of the options we have found on craigslist phoenix, what do you think?

LOL… I love this one simply for the cow spots. I love cows so this is right up my alley! 😮

Here is a cheap 1976 Ford Motor Home N found online:

The options are endless!

So, what do you think? Know any insider tips on buying an RV/ Motor home? Got one you want to donate or perhaps some money for the cause? He, he..


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

8 thoughts on “3 months to go till we move, again!

  1. wow – that RV – ing with the pets sounds like an adventure in itself. I’d love to do that someday. Oh, that is great about the showing of the apartment – if they buy it then you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

  2. It sounds like an excellent adventure!! I’d be scared out of my wits that one of those RV’s would leave me sitting along the side of a desolate road. Maybe a membership to AAA would also be figured into the budget?!? I can’t wait to read all about it!

    My husband has a 15 year-old pop-up camper he got for $2000 used from an RV dealer because it had hail damage. It’s his PRIDE AND JOY. I know nothing about it, except that sleeping a family of 4 proves to be annoying.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Who Needs Disneyland When Mickey’s Living at My House

  3. There was a time when I toyed with the notion (daydream, actually) of buying an RV – a big one – and motoring around the US once I’d retired. The way things look these days, the only way that would work was if I sold my body wherever we stopped. Given that there doesn’t seem to be a ready clientèle for fat, old, bald gigolos, it would probably take a llooooonnnnnggg time to drive from place to place. Especially as we would be on a pay-as-you-go basis.

    lceels last blog post..We’re off to see the wizard

  4. ditto on the ’76 Ford. Is N mechanically minded? This is the first time I’ve ever read your blog, so I don’t know.

    However, I do know that my very mechanically-minded father buying $100,000 fancy motorhomes used all his skills. My mechanically-minded husband had to resort to tow trucks 3 times with our old 1978 Dodge something or other motorhome.

    It sounds like a great adventure, but motorhomes are not for the faint at heart 😉

    Oh, and thanks for the comment at my blog!

    Donna B.s last blog post..Words We Think We Understand

  5. If you haven’t already bought an RV, when you find the one you think you want, have a mechanic look it over bumper to bumper before you plunk down your money. There is NOTHING like getting stranded miles from nowhere due to mechanical breakdowns. The cost of the inspection is well worth the money.

    FabGrandmas last blog post..I Spent The Day Baking

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