parenting personal stories pictures say 1000 words Wordless Wednesday

Less-words Wednesday: Baby Everly is 5 weeks old

I’ve been a slacker on the Wednesday photo posts! The last time I posted one was back when I was knocked up. It was the Less-words Wednesday: Pregnancy Home Stretch Edition.

Now that I am taking over 100 photos of E a week Ive got lots of material to share. Here we go!

She slept in her crib for the first time ever over the weekend. It was just a tiny nap in the crib on her tummy while N and I worked on stuff in the office but it was a milestone since she isn’t to crazy about independent sleep.

It turns out we picked the perfect bedding set because she is crazy about animal print for some reason. There is zebra print on her playmat that she loves to look at. On our couch I have a tiger striped throw that she stares at and now she’s got the bedding set that is full of animal print!

She’s been much more alert and is getting so strong now. She’s just over 5 weeks as of yesterday and we are constantly amazed at how much she is growing. You can see in her eyes how she is starting to understand and analyze the world around her.

She is still so adorable and is sporting the red hair still. I can’t believe she is ours and the we have actually become parents. We love her so much.

She is almost always in cloth diapers but she isn’t too good at signaling me when she needs a change. They say babies will let you know when they need to be changed or fed right? Well, I am not so convinced of this with her.

When she is on her side she’ll have a “blowout” if she naps for many hours straight. At night when we are expecting her to sleep for several hours straight I double up the diaper inserts to prevent diaper leakage and it works well.

When I am not expecting a long nap, like in this photo, and she sleeps for a long time she’s bound to leak. Can you see the pee ring on the sheets around her bum? Those sheets were just changed too, LOL.

Last night she was all diapered, fed and ready for sleep but she wasn’t feeling secure or independent so daddy comforted her all night. She likes to sit and watch him while he is talking to her, it gives me a nice break from her and it gives them good bonding time.

She’s also surprisingly good at holding her head up. When we are burping her or when she is sitting looking at us she insists on lifting her head or she’ll lean back away from our support. She likes to be in control of her own head it seems and she is very strong and good at it. Like I said we love her, she is amazing!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Less-words Wednesday: Baby Everly is 5 weeks old

  1. Everly is one of the most beautiful babies I’ve seen in years. She’s up there in the same category as my grandchildren and that’s a very exclusive category!

    Or perhaps it’s only natural, since I’ve felt grandmotherly toward her since you first posted you were pregnant.

    Though she’s putting you through some rough tests now, these will be written off as SO WORTH IT very soon.
    .-= Donna B.´s last blog ..Transportation =-.

  2. my Emily sounds so similar, I bet they would be great friends. She doesnt signal for her bottom to be changed either, but you can tell when she is trying to fill it from the grunts and groans so we work it out!

    Emily also likes zebra stripes, she was hooked on a picture of zebras as my sister in laws house.

    Unfortunately she is also hooked on one certain music dvd which I have had to play over and over. I dance along with it and she thinks its very funny. I’ve made a video of her laughing at throwing her arms up to the music…and I’ve been naughty and occasionally used it as a babysitter while I have a shower.

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