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Counting calories to GAIN weight…

Get ready, I have joined the bloggy giveaway carnival and my giveaway launched this morning! If you want a chance at winning a Custom Gifts by Talina exclusive check the giveaway post.

I also wanted to post an update on my calorie count & gaining weight saga. Counting your calories shows you lots about your nutrition and can have a real effect of your weight if you find the magic number of calories you need to eat to obtain your ideal weight. I am using because it is free and easy to use.

Looks like If I can consume 2400 calories per day I will be on tract to gaining some weight. Problem is I haven’t gained anything yet. I am also having trouble eating that much per day and am typically 200-500 calories short of my goal. If I can have 4 meals a day and make them equal about 600 calories each I’ll be set.

The key is eating high calorie good stuff not McDonald’s fake meat crap. LOL… Which reminds me of a fun recipe I found today that I hope will help me get some good calories and protein, the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe by Life’s Just Beachy. I was dying to know how many calories each cookie wold have so I took the ingredients and figured the calorie total for my own curious mind:

1520 calories – 1 cup peanut butter
70 calories – 1 egg
774 calories – 1 cup of sugar
0 calories – 1 teaspoon baking soda
2364 total calories
makes 24 cookies = 98.5 calories per cookie

Well, I think the cookies recipe is worthwhile and will help me get to my calorie goal today, what do you think? Other than peanut butter what are some other good for you/ high calorie foods?


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Counting calories to GAIN weight…

  1. I was going to suggest peanut butter on whole grain toast in the morning, with a little honey on top to sweeten it up. It runs about 800 calories for just a couple of slices of toast done this way. When my daughter has been really sick and loses weight we use this to help her get her energy and weight back. I also ate it a lot when I first started breast feeding, so I’d be consuming enough protein and fats to keep it going.
    If you eat fish: grilled salmon with pesto. The pesto is full of olive oil. The salmon and pesto have the “good” fats.
    My neighbor was talking just the other day that she needs to gain 10 pounds or so and just can’t get it done. If she finds something fabulous that helps her, I’ll let you know.

    Hyphen Mama’s last blog post..One Word

  2. Since you have such a busy life, when I am on the run I try to keep a mix bag of almonds/raisins with me, also wasa crackers. Protien and good fats in that. I also love butternut squash fries. I cut it up in french fry shape, then put in the oven at 450 for 40min. A variation of that is cut it into hash browns, bake the same temp, but maybe 30min in oven, and eat with eggbeater omelette with soycheese and salsa. It works out to be around 200cals total if I use 1 cup of squash, 1/2 cup eggbeaters, and lots of shredded cheese. Of course that would go up if you use real eggs. I eat flaxseed bread with no wheat/gluten, around 90 cals a slice, but loaded with goodness. Lots of fish/chicken and squid..yes squid. This asian market in town does this marinated spicy squid that is sooo good, I make it into a stirfry at least twice a week. Anything else pops into my head (or my stomach) I will let ya know.

  3. Hey T!
    Avocado’s are high in calories and have lots of good fat. Brie is high in calories and the double creme brie is even higher. Porterhouse and primerib steaks should be good in caloric count (if you like red meat) –

    Think cheesey-wheezy, ooey-gooey and you’ll probably be on the road to weight gain, things that use butter, creme and oils are probably your best bet.

    Although it may be a matter of your metab – if you metab foods you typically eat quickly perhaps just try to go opposite – for example if carbs are no probblem them maybe meats will do the trick, if protein keeps you trim you may need to carbo load. See what I mean?

    I have the opposite problem myself and if I could contribute some extra poundage, I surely would. Good luck!

    writer chick’s last blog post..Do You Hoard Your Wealth?

  4. Oh you make me sick. lol. Just kidding. I hope that you come to a healthy weight fast. 🙂 I was thinking about snacking on cheese between meals. 🙂
    Thank you for commenting on my blog! I hope you enjoyed the bloggy giveaways!

    Milk Mama’s last blog post..Connor’s 1st Birthday Bash!

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