Blogging gift ideas

Bloggy Giveaway- Mesage in a bottle gift

Okay, I was tempted to host my own giveaway after entering Witchypoo’s giveaway. So here I go joining the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival!

This giveaway will run for one week from today closing on May 3rd, 2008 for US residents. To enter just leave a comment below that tells us why you should win an adorable and heartwarming mini message in a bottle gift. The most worthy comment will win the giveaway so pour your heart into describing who you would send the gift to. Oh and don’t forget to subscribe to my feed!

The message in a bottle gift is for sale on my gift site as a Custom Gifts by Talina exclusive and is a great way to send a special, sentimental message to a loved one. Reaching out and showing someone you care with this message in a bottle gift will surely make someones day and that is the goal with this giveaway! Making a difference is as easy as a simple heartfelt gesture, that is where the message in a bottle gift comes in.

A Message in a Bottle gift is simply a note nestled in a beautifully decorated bottle. The gift giver authors a touching message that I inscribe on a message scroll that is placed inside the decorated bottle. This is a great gift for a birthday, anniversary, holiday or any occasion! The special thing about these message in a bottle gifts is they are fantastic personalized keepsakes that will be cherished for years to come. Give the gift that will keep on giving by bringing back wonderful memories year after year!

Tell us who you would like to reach out to if you win this giveaway and why it is important to brighten their day. Be sure to leave a valid email address when you comment. I’ll use that address to contact you if you win. The winner will be able to author a message that I’ll inscribe on the message scroll, then I’ll ship this touching gift off to the recipient you choose! Good luck!

Wait! Don’t just comment for the giveaway and run! Subscribe to my feed, check out some of my other posts
and consider stumbling this post! Thanks dude..


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

39 thoughts on “Bloggy Giveaway- Mesage in a bottle gift

  1. Awww. I want to win because if I win, I’m gonna give my gift to Witchypoo so she can use it for her granny. I love the elderly and I hope to be one some day so I think we should all be nicer to them. Even when they are cranky (cuz that one might be me). 😉

    teeni’s last blog post..Earth Day Speech

  2. Well, my message would sort of be for two people. I recently adopted our beautiful daughter from China. I would write a thank you to her birth mother for giving us life’s greatest gift. However, we don’t don’t who her birthmother is, so I would have my daughter hold onto it as a keepsake. Then she could someday add her own thank you, too and remember the special woman who loved her enough to let her go.

  3. I wish I could see a picture of the bottle (links aren’t working), but I would like to brighten the day of either my sister-in-law or my friend, who are both having some hard times right now.

  4. I’d love to give this to my mother has been depressed lately. One of my sisters has been treating her coldly for no reason and I just want her to know that rest of her family loves her and appreciates her. 🙂

  5. My husband gave me a message in a bottle one year when we were apart due to a move. It was so sweet and romantic.
    Great idea!

    I’d LOVE to feature it on my blog close to Valentine’s day next year!

    Qtpies7~’s last blog post..Get $25 free!

  6. I would give this to my nephew. He is only 7 years old and loves to get surprises. He currently wants to dig in the yard to find gemstones. I bet he would love to find a message in a bottle.

  7. OK..mine is going to sound like a sob story…but it’s true!
    My husband is going on a mission trip to Romania in June. He will be gone 12 days. I have NEVER been away from him that long. I have never slept in our house without him for more than 2 days! He is my heart and I can’t imagine how hard it is going to be…although I know God is calling him there. I know there are wives whose husbands are away all the time…and I probably sound like such a whiner…LOL. but i am totally not used to this and it will be sooo difficult. Not only that but we have 3 children and a small farm going on! It’s going to be a lot to keep up with….along with my normal cleaning and cooking!

    So I told you all that to say that I would write a message to my sweet husband and put it in his carry on bag so he will find it sometime after he is gone! Just to remind him how loved he is and how proud of him I am that he is on a mission to help show others the love of Christ! 🙂

    Katy’s last blog post..Gardening Work…(and fun!)

  8. I’d reach out to my mom — she and i have been having a rocky relationshp lately

    What a great giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner 🙂

  9. I would give it to my nieces (9 & 13). They live in Mozambique and homeschool, and it would be great to brighten their day with something beautiful. They so often brighten mine by playing with my little girl and entertaining her.

    And the bottle would be symbolic – across the ocean, so to speak.

    (I do have a US mailing address.)

    Jane’s last blog post..Hole in One

  10. I met my boyfriend when I was 12, on the bus. He was 15. We were best friends until I turned 21 and we started dating. We have been together for seven years now. Without him, I don’t know what I would do. I was in a horrible car accident and my ankle and foot were crushed. I was in a wheelchair for a year and this many years later (5), I am still struggling. He bought a new car so he could fit my wheelchair in his trunk and took me to college classes everyday so I could finish. Now, I am a high school English teacher, just completing my first year of teaching. It is hard on us, because he is unemployeed and has bad health problems (diabetes), so we are still struggling financially and emotionally, because it is very stressful to be a teacher in a city school. I try not to bring home my problems, but it happens. He is so supportive, and since he doesn’t have a job right now, I haven’t touched a dish (we don’t have a dishwasher), or cleaned much of anything since I started teaching. He is wonderful and I would love to have that message in a bottle for him. He is a very sentimental person, so I know it would truly touch his heart.

  11. I would give this to my hubby, our anniversary is next month. 🙂 I love him so much. I have a chronic illness and I’m really sick sometimes and really can’t do a whole lot but he has stuck by me and is always helping me and trying to help make me better.

  12. I’d love to make it for my husband. He could put it in his office at work. That way when things get rough he could look at it and know how much the kids and I love him.

    hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

  13. I’d love to have a message in a bottle sent to my nephew in Michigan. I am in Australia and am missing him terribly! He is only three and I think it would make his day to receive such a surprise from his Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Aaron!

    Deborah’s last blog post..Aloha Friday – Painting House

  14. I would send this to my 12 year old daughter..who is my hero..and loves receiving surprises in the mail…She battles chronic illness daily..dysautonomia with pots…had to quit school to be homeschooled..had to give up riding her passion..but she still looks for everything beautiful and wonderful…like the quote says “life can not be measured by how many breaths you take ..but by the moments that take your breath away” Each day she takes my breath away..I love you Hannah

  15. My message would be for my boyfriend. Right now he is in Arizona and I’m in Florida. We’ve known each other since we were 12, but just recently has it been a time when we could be together. I’m moving the end of the summer, but it’s really hard being apart.

    That’s a really cool prize.

    Thanks for entering me.

    Jennifer’s last blog post..Finals

  16. I’ll be offering it to my mom, she is such a great lady and she is going through a lot lately.

  17. One of my best friends from high school decided that after graduating college, she was going to give up the many job offers she had to go to Africa and teach school. What she gets paid barely covers her living expenses, but even so, anything she can spare she gives to the street kids who are orphans living in boxes and eating out of garbage cans. I know that every day she’s there she misses home – the simple comforts of having a bed that is clean, electricity that is reliable, and showers that are warm – but she feels it is her calling to be there, helping kids who are less fortunate than even the poorest children in the United States. I’d love to send her a message of encouragement and hope.

    Great giveaway – its nice to see someone giving away something that the winner can also give away to pass on the love!

    Allison’s last blog post..How to be a Great Guest Blogger

  18. I would like to brighten the day of my best friend. She lives in NY, and I haven’t seen her for a year… she would love the message!


  19. I would love to win this. My 2-year anniversary with my boyfriend is coming up and I would love to give him a message in a bottle telling him how much I love him.


    Whitney’s last blog post..Fairy Fun

  20. I’d love to have a message sent to my Aunt. She is more like a mother to me, and grandmother to my girls than my own mother. If I ever need anything all I have to do is ask her and she will drop everything to help me out. She just found out that she is going to be a grandmother herself a couple of weeks ago. I’d love to be able to surprise her with a special message like this. This is so up her alley.


    Jeanine’s last blog post..What a long painful day

  21. As I was thinking about Mother’s Day, I thought about my friend Sarah who has a baby who turned 1 in February and has spent most of his life in the hospital. He was born with a genetic disorder and has multiple defects, the most significant being with his heart. I’d love to reach out to her this Mother’s Day as I can’t imagine being separated from my son for even 1 day let alone the amount of time her son has been in the hospital

    Caryn B’s last blog post..The Birth of a Mother

  22. My sister is my best friend, but lives so far away. I would love to send her a message in a bottle to bless her.

  23. Very nice msg about party invitations message in a bottle that will make them smile and be treasured for a lifetime.

  24. I would love to send a message to my husband. Our anniversary is on the 6th, and he can’t take time off of work to spend it together. It would be perfect!

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