free craft projects gift ideas personal stories

Post turkey day reflections & a new holiday tradition: The Advent Basket

Thanksgiving day Adalyn took her first solo steps. Time is just flying by. Everly starts school this last week. Last week we also had our first snow flurries. We found a butterfly living in our office. I am betting it’s the offspring of one of the many bugs Everly has captured and brought inside. I […]

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gift ideas personal stories product/ service review Uncategorized

Back to school with Scoolio-Von-Hoolio and OfficeMax giveaway. Get Organized Today!

Last week I was invited to participate in a “Get Organized for Back-to-School” webcast & twitter chat and it was a blast. First off I love twitter chats of any kind so I was stoked to participate, I was also interested in getting some organizational tips because our “office” is anything but organized. The idea […]

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free craft projects from scratch gift ideas homemade

Homemade holiday gifts are IN, what are you making?

My top search terms right now are homemade gift ideas. There is no doubt that the economy is impacting the way people are thinking about holiday shopping. People would rather make things to give as gifts because it saves money. I personally like creative homemade, do-it-yourself gifts because they are more from the heart than […]

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free craft projects gift ideas homemade living simply personal stories

Making my own braided rug- Prairie Chic Craft Idea

Braided rugs (or rag rugs) are not only useful around the home but they are also a great way to recycle fabrics. You can make your own braided rug using old t-shirts, boxers, linen and even scrap fabric from sewing projects! These are sometimes referred to as “rag rugs” they have great character and are […]

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does not require chilling gardening reference gift ideas personal stories pictures say 1000 words product/ service review recommendations

Amaryllis time lapse video

Well, I did it! I finished my amaryllis bulb time lapse video. I actually wanted to make the video to show people how awesome bulbs are. It’s not the best video ever but it’s pretty good for my first time lapse attempt! I was taking photos for about 4 days.. Getting the lighting and background […]

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Animals & Pets from scratch gift ideas homemade personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Finches leave the nest! Happy x-mas eve!

Yesterday I got a photo of two of my baby finches outside of the nest having a good time! My gray one and a cream colored one were hanging out on a perch together testing the waters! I am super excited and surprised that they are flying so early in their development! In other news […]

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