Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words wedding planning

A visit to Owensboro, KY and some quality time!

Yesterday N and I went to Owensboro, KY to do another mystery shop and to spend some quality time together. On our way to the mystery shop we stopped in at Abbingtons Bridal House to scope out some dresses.

Sadly they did not carry the Jacqueline Exclusive dresses I liked but they did offer me some constructive criticism about what kinds of dresses I should consider for my body type and the owner even jokingly asked me to model a dress in an upcoming bridal show because he loved my hair.

I also found another dress that I am  adding to the “I like” file. Here it is:

After we were done at the bridal shop (no I did not try and dresses on) we headed to starbucks for a pick me up and I ended up dripping caramel sauce on my yellow top, great!

We then drove around the historic neighborhoods and ogled the cheap and adorable houses for sale. This is one of N’s favorite pastimes by the way. I am learning to get used to it, in the beginning it annoyed me beyond belief because it was like window shopping and I hate window shopping. When I see something I want I need to have it, falling in love with stuff I can’t have is not my cup of tea.

Anyway we also visited the Ohio river bank in Owensboro and relaxed a bit. It appeared another couple had just married there and we watched them taking wedding photos. This inspired us to take a few photos of our own:


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “A visit to Owensboro, KY and some quality time!

  1. Way back when I was much much younger, I was offered a chance to model at a fashion show and I now wish I’d done it.

    We took the 17 mile drive through Pebble Beach a few years ago to admire the scenery and architecture.

    What we laughed about so much afterward was how picky we got toward the end of the trip where the houses were just ordinary mansions without names and how haughtily we exclaimed we’d never want to live “there”.

    Donna B.s last blog post..A Fundamental Agreement

  2. I doubt the shop owner was joking – with your gorgeous colored hair and your thin frame, you’d be a great clothes horse! You and N look fabulous – those pics are great and I that is another great dress – I love that it is shown in green.

  3. Some how, when you find the right one, you will ‘just know’. I never wore a wedding dress, we wore hockey jerseys, and had all the bridemaids/groomsmen etc in hockey attire as well. Our vows were written with a game of hockey in mind, and we exchanged golf clubs instead or rings. For us, it was perfect although some of our friends thought we were nuts. It was definatley the wedding of our dreams!

    Loris last blog post..Wow, where did the summer go?

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