Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy

Still trying to find somewhere near southern Indiana to deliver my baby…

This week we found out that CPM (certified professional midwives) are not covered via N’s employer plan. Blue Cross Blue Shield does cover midwives in other plans but for the specific plan elected by N’s employer they are not included… Bummer This reminds me of how we felt discovering that same sex domestic partnerships are […]

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Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research home birth advocacy Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy

In Indiana breathing mold is okay but home birth is not, just an FYI.

Yeah I know the title seems kind of odd huh? I have been tying all sorts of weird things together these days like posts about a ladies hoo-hoo’s and mold. This is just the way my brain is working these days… Hopefully it is mildly entertaining for you cause this mold thing is making me […]

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Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research get involved home birth advocacy pregnancy

Lets take back our birthing rights!

Did you know the United States is ranked 29th (among industrialized countries) with regards to infant mortality rate? “Since ranking a fairly respectable 12th in 1960, the U.S. fell to an all-time low 29th in the world in infant mortality in 2004, according to the report Recent Trends in Infant Mortality in the United States […]

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