craft businesses info for small business webmasters recommendations small business owners

Choosing a webhost is now easier!

Many readers have inquired about website hosting plans and services. There are a number of options to choose from and often times the choices can seem overwhelming. I have found another helpful resource for those shopping for web services. If you visit you will find a very easy to use tool that allows you […]

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Blogging craft businesses info for small business webmasters small business owners

Blog marketing idea- blogger business cards

I just found a great deal for bloggers who wish to market their blogs outside the realm of the internet. You can get 100 FREE business cards, you just pay the shipping cost! These blogger business cards are a great way to market your blog in the “real world”! On you can design your […]

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Blogging info for small business webmasters small business owners technology

Payperpost, Google, page rank, paid links and the debate.

Did you know that many bloggers who get paid to blog are suffering from dramatic page rank drops? Do you know why? It is because of Google’s rules about “passing page rank” through paid links. Payperpost is a great way for bloggers to get paid for writing but questions have been raised about whether or […]

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craft businesses recommendations small business owners

Accouting Program for Small Business Owners

Small business & hobby business owners often have a hard time with accounting software. Small companies often do not have the money to buy expensive accounting software and often times they don’t even really need all the bells and whistles that the expensive programs offer. Small business owners care about bookkeeping but often times have […]

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recommendations small business owners

Great custom signs for business owners

I was looking around the web today and I found this site that makes custom signs, magnets, bumper stickers and banners for businesses. Visit: I like the site because you can design your sign right there online much like VistaPrint allows you to! I enjoyed checking out the magnetic car signs/car bumper stickers page […]

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Blogging info for small business webmasters personal stories product/ service review recommendations small business owners technology

Reviews on website hosting companies…

My website (Custom Gifts By Talina) went live in November 2005. Over the course of the last few months I have experienced many site building mistakes and frustrations. I am taking search engine optimization classes and chatting with several other small business owners on various groups (AZ Craft Biz Connection & QFLEA) to learn more […]

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