Everywhere you turn someone is talking about how to achieve what you want or how to be happy. Books like The Secret and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships
all talk about how those things you choose to surround yourself with can have a major impact on your happiness and success and they are right.
Do you feel like you are happy with your life? How is your mood and outlook on a day to day basis? Do you think you have room to improve?
The people you surround yourself with can have a major impact on your mood and you also impact their mood whether you believe it or not. Have you ever found yourself feeling drained, stressed or down after talking with someone who was not in the best mood? Maybe you have experienced the exact opposite, ever found that the grocery store cashier’s bubbly mood has left you feeling happy or satisfied? The people you spend time with can have great power over your mood if you let them.
Your perception also has a great impact on your happiness, so much of life is how you perceive it. Are you a “glass half full or half empty” person? Can you find the good in situations, even the tough ones? If you can look for and find the good in things in life you will be surrounding yourself with positive rather than negative and this will in turn influence your happiness.
Shifting your perceptions, learning to look for the positive and limiting your unhealthy encounters can have a huge effect on your lasting happiness!
Great post! Recently a child asked me how people can view life differently. Out of the mouths of babes… People who hang on to negative emotions or experiences seem to be much more unhappy. It seems to snowball into seeing the worst in every situation. But is it simply a choice that we make, or something that is somehow hardwired into us??? I like to think it is a choice… but in that case, why are there so many unhappy people???
Starlily’s last blog post..Evolution
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You a so right, I also think happiness is a choice but that it also takes much effort and perseverance. Most people want to be happy but can’t make a conscious effort to shift the focus of their thoughts and perceptions on a day to day basis. It’s hard to get off “auto pilot” and start charting your own course.