Blogging Tater's Arrival home birth advocacy pregnancy

Headed to The Farm Midwifery Center: Will be meeting my new baby soon!

Most of you already know, today is the day I leave for The Farm to have my baby with a midwife. I’ve got wonderfully peaceful accommodations right next to the home of my trusted midwife there in The Farm community. I am 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Tater could arrive any day now and we wanted to be sure I was there and settled just a tad early, better safe than sorry right?

That way Tater can make her entrance either before or after her “due date” and I’ll be exactly where I need to be, ready for it.

So, given I have some cell phone reception I’ll be live blogging via text message. These will be very short and sweet entries to keep everyone in the loop. I recommend you subscribe to my blog feed if you are interested in really following my progress. That way you’ll get notification of new posts as they happen.

N will be stopping in here to guest blog after he comes down to see me on the weekends for visits. Remember, he has to stay back and care for the animals while working so he’ll have more detailed posts and probably some photos to share with you. Plus I’ve got some blogger memes and other prewritten posts scheduled here to keep things fresh while I am away.

The only thing I wont be able to do is read all your posts and comment on them while I wait for Tater to come. Don’t hate me, lol. Hopefully everyone is doing well and continues to have good times while I am gone. Can’t wait to introduce Tater to you all once she arrives!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Headed to The Farm Midwifery Center: Will be meeting my new baby soon!

  1. Good luck! Hope you have a quick, easy delivery. You’ll be back home before you know it. I for one can’t wait to see pics of Tater!

  2. Nobody could hate you – I can’t think of a better, happier reason for you NOT to be reading our blogs and I’d have it no other way! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I’m so excited and happy for you and sending good thoughts and energy. Oh, and lots of hugs too! 🙂
    [rq=11731,0,blog][/rq]Spreading the Love Juice (Contest)

  3. Hi!
    I just came across your blog as I was looking for instructions of making a fag rug. I have a 10 week old and I had wanted to deliver her at the Farm Midwifery Center, but got cold feet because we live in Ohio and because it seemed far from a hospital. Not surprisingly, my hospital birth was a big disappointment – they forced me to use pitocin and I tore really badly ( my doctor blamed me for requesting no epidural or episiotomy). I was wondering if you had a good experience at the Farm. Would you go back again to the Farm? I would really appreicate any insights out have about your experience. Thank you!

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