Animals & Pets

Hey pussy, you don't get everything you want all the time!

Why is it that whenever we eat Ramen, have a bowl of cereal or pour a glass of milk we are harassed and begged to death to share it? I am feeling particularly annoyed with the animals being so over bearing and out of control these days.

I mean I made myself a bowl of Ramen and was followed all through the house by Andrew, our noodle loving cat. He would try to get in my face or on my lap while I was eating. He would reach out to grab my arm or leg as a reminder to share some with him. I would move from one seat/ computer to another, back and fourth to get away from him and his begging. Everywhere I went he followed!

When we have milk and it is placed on the table the cats will literally help themselves to it, sicking their entire faces right in the glass. Oh and now another one of our cats has an obsession with getting water the easy way, from you on demand.

You see, their food and water dishes are downstairs in the basement so they can be gated off. If they aren’t gated off the dog will eat all the cat food and also will eat the cat shit too… so kitty food/ water and litter pan are separated with a kiddie gate from the rest of the basement.

Well Mr. Guy refuses to go down the stairs to drink water. He will jump up in front of you as you walk in to the bathroom, then he procedes to scratch the sink (signaling you to turn on the water for him to drink). Now he is nearly tripping me when I walk in to the bathroom every 5 minuites and it is getting old, fast!

He also jumps up in the kitchen sink to get water which is a big issue. Kitchen counters and surfaces have ALWAYS been off limits to the cats. We don’t want pet hair and paw prints coming in contact with food, dishes or cooking surfaces!

Ugh I am just annoyed in general with the pets. This house is too small and too crappy for us to all feel good living in it, the pets don’t have room to roam, they are all up in my taco and so on… We need a bigger/ newer home, ASAP. Send chocolate.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Hey pussy, you don't get everything you want all the time!

  1. Monkey does the samething when we go into the bathroom. I just trun it on let him drink while I do my business, them after I wash my hands, if he still needs a drink he can go get it from his dish!
    Shhhhs, those pesky cats!

  2. I thought my dogs were bad. I can’t eat without them right under me. My Chihuahua mix has gotten to where he’ll start licking my plate if I turn my head when eating in the living room. He’ll also sit on top of the arm chair, prop his head on the half wall that divides my kitchen from the living room, and watch me cook. I used to have to race my other dog, a Cocker Spaniel, to the bathroom or I’d have to wait in line while she drank the toilet water. At least I can be thankful that they can’t climb into the sink like your cat!

    Stacis last blog post..Another Heart Stopping Edition of Super Lawyers

  3. There’s another blog I read where the hostess is always putting up pictures of her cats on the kitchen counters and dining table.

    The cats are gorgeous of course, but I don’t want to eat dinner there.

    Donna B.s last blog post..I Love Cars

  4. YES! If our cats hear a spoon on a bowl OR the can opener, they assume it’s tuna for them. They haven’t been fed tuna in 5 years. Our dogs wait at our feet for some crumb to fall. We’ve been bad with the dogs…my kids toss them their toast crusts. ARG—now I’m trying desperately to retrain them to behave. NOT happening.

    But really….what would it be like to eat without little furry faces all up in your taco?

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Bullet Point Saturday (Sorry folks, it’s all I’ve got in me today)

  5. My cat constantly follows me into the bathroom so she can drink from the sink. She’ll jump into the sink and scratch at the drain or lick the tap until I turn on the water. At first I thought it was cute (okay, it still is…), but now it’s more than annoying to trip over her as she sprints past me to beat me to the bathroom. She already has one of those recirculating/filtered cat fountain things, but I guess that’s not good enough anymore! 🙂

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