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Make it from scratch blog carnival – Feburary 5th 2008

Being able to say you made something is a great achievement and Make it From Scratch Carnival has so many great make it from scratch ideas that anyone can try!

The most popular topic for this edition of make it from scratch is food, these ideas are mouthwatering and I can’t wait to try some of them out! If you are looking for creative recipes you have come to the right place.

One of the best ways to enjoy the food you eat is the raise it/ grow it yourself. This is the ultimate in self sufficiency and it’s easier than ever to Get Started Growing Vegetables. Home grown veggies are not old delicious but they are also very rewarding!

I know I enjoy freshly grown zucchini, green beans and perhaps some salad from my own garden and nothing goes better with freshly grown vegetables than some homemade Salad Dressings. Over at Funny about Money you will find six easy salad dressing recipes that are easy, delicious and addicting.

You could take your freshly grown green beans and onions to make Melissa’s Green Beans With Caramelized Onions recipe.

If you are looking for a creative sweet recipe head over at changing seasons you can find a creative recipe for Papaya Pie, it’s a great unique make it from scratch dessert recipe. If you like more traditional desserts you might consider making your own from scratch cake mix for a sweet treat.

Over at cheaphealthygood you can find a very inexpensive and delicious recipe that is great for entertaining… A Tale of Two Salsas. I love a good salsa and for about $.04 per serving the recipe is great for the pocket book too!

If you are like me you enjoy cooking enjoy making a meal for your loved one. Valentines day is just around the corner and you create a romantic home cooked meal for you and your loved one. Consider a quite evening at home by making Turkey Ragout with Rigatoni for you and your honey! Katy outlined the recipe so clearly and it seems very easy to try.

Or you could bring delicious Baked French Toast to your loved one in bed on valentines day with a single rose, a great way to start the day off and show you care!

Another delightful sweet recipe you could consider is making Quick and Easy Cream Scones recipe is courtesy of our red house and is one of the easiest and quickest make it from scratch recipes I have seen! Enjoying scones with jam and some coffee or tea is a great way to start your morning.

Making something from scratch can be very enjoyable and it’s also a great expression of love so give it a try for valentines day!

I hope you have enjoyed this edition of make it from scratch, next weeks edition of make it from scratch will be hosted by It’s all for the best and you can submit your own articles to the make it from scratch blog carnival


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

9 thoughts on “Make it from scratch blog carnival – Feburary 5th 2008

  1. Great job hosting the carnival. Thanks for including my link.

    I sort of agree with Bryzon who said “I guess its an American mentality to think youโ€™re making it yourself if you buy everything from the supermarket.” (except it’s not just American, it certaily happens here in England too). But don’t be too tough on yourself, it’s better than buying everything ready-made. I was once talking to a friend who said she was making home made mince pies for Christmas, with shop-bought frozen pastry and shop-bought mincemeat. I make my own pastry and mincemeat from scratch, and told her so which made her feel bad. I’ve always been ashamed of that – after all, I didn’t grow the grapes and dry them for raisins, and grow the wheat and grind it for flour, and distill the brandy and everything else. We all use ingredients we’ve bought, but everybody picks their own stage of the process to start doing it themselves. But do try growing some veggies this summer – it’s lots of fun, and it’s a great feeling to serve food you grew.

  2. Thanks so much for including Funny’s favorite salad dressings in this nice round-up!

    Here in the Sonoran Desert you can grow a lot of veggies and herbs, pretty much year-round (except when the weather goes berserk, as it’s doing right now). Some people can even grow papayas! This carnival has made me enthusiastic about starting a new garden… –vh

  3. This was a great post – I like the whole idea of blog Carnivals. It’s a great idea to pull a bunch of good posts on a single topic together. Saves a lot of weeding through the internet. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    teeni’s last blog post..Vowel Movement

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