N and I had a good holiday weekend. It was a three day weekend for him so we got lots done and also had a bit of fun too!
Saturday we spent grocery shopping, we had lots of coupons and there were many sales so we blitzed several stores and took advantage of all the sales we could. We even picked up some necessities for Tater while we were out saving money.
We had fun at the local downtown farmers market and got so many great items there. After the grocery shopping I was pretty exhausted and needed some rest time so we headed home. Contractions and fatigue were a big pain for me on Saturday and I was having some real issues breathing as a result of Tater siting on my lungs.
Sunday and Monday were pretty chill for us, we even went out to a local lake for a nice picnic and some quality time. At the lake we were reminded of the different kinds of pests out here and how we need to adjust our thinking and our habits to deal with them.
Walking from the car to the lake I was a tick magnet! Luckily I was wearing pants and proper shoes so the ticks only clung to my clothing and didn’t actually bite me, it was a strange eye opener for us. Also, we got some gardening done in the backyard and got more stuff around the house done so that was nice.
Tater really dropped on Sunday and my breathing and pain greatly decreased which was a nice change. Sitting is now more uncomfortable but I’ll get over it, I mean I can breathe and that is way more important to me than being comfortable in a chair.
Today was my 35 week prenatal appointment with the OBGYN. I got my group B strep test done. Blood pressure is still low, I am not swelling and I gained 3 more pounds. Tater’s heartbeat is good, she’s still head down and in the LOA position which is considered “one of the ideal starting positions” for labor according to most literature.
So far I am not dilated but I am 50% effaced so that is good considering Tater’s got 10 more days until she is considered “full term”. Things are progressing but not too quickly… June 13th is just around the corner and we can’t believe I’ll be out at The Farm so soon! It’s also going to be interesting to see just when she is ready to make her appearance.
I’ve also got some exciting employment stuff brewing right now. Since the school year just ended here I went ahead and “put my feelers out there” to see if I could find a colorguard or winterguard unit out here in the southern Indiana area in need of staff. I have been contacted by two separate schools and am pretty excited by the prospects!
Oh, the Adiri BPA Free Natural Nurser Bottles I won via a blog/ twitter contest arrived today and I think they are super cool! The obvious difference between this bottle and others is how the “nipple is truly shaped like a mother’s breast”. It is also phthalate-free and BPA-free which is very important to us.
We figured having a few bottles on hand even though I plan to breastfeed is a good idea. If we can get our hands on a breast pump I’ll just pump milk and save it so N can take turns feeding Tater too.
That is pretty much the overview of our holiday weekend. Now we are just counting down the days and getting ready for my extended stay out at The Farm. Can’t wait for Tater to be born, having her inside my tummy and all hidden is getting old. I wanna meet her already!
which schools?
Mitzis last blog post..May Madness
It’s all so exciting! Yay!
witchypoos last blog post..Pain in The Neck and Butt
Hi! so glad to get your email! Sounds like you had a good weekend – ticks ugh!
So if you don’t mind me asking – how long to you get to stay at the Farm. Do you go when the contractions are a certain period apart? Stay a night after? I think this is soooo cool.
How neat – when she is on the outside!
traci k couchs last blog post..Helga and Her Own
Those bottles look great and I’m so glad you can breathe again. My only consolation about the discomfort is that it won’t be much longer now. Hang in there! I just emailed you a guest post that I think I promised a long time ago. Sorry so late but still good and usable I hope. 🙂