parenting personal stories

New hair and a clean babe: A Photo Essay

Yesterday I was getting pretty irritated by my huge mop of crazy hair. I mean I don’t have the time to do anything with it these days and it’s not the kind of hair you just comb and it’s ready to go. This means the majority of the time it is piled in a mess on top of my head in a scrunchies. I know scrunchies are from 1980 but they are the only things that are solid enough to hold my mane.

Anyway, once something starts to annoy me it is practically impossible for me to forget about the annoyance and move on. The annoyance eats away at my soul until I do something about it.

So I am breastfeeding baby E in bed with my pillows propping me up against the headboard. Well, with several pillows behind me my hair pile still manages to hit the headboard and is causing me to have to crane my neck downward. Add that to the fact that I had a killer hair headache right under the scrunchie wrapped pile of hair on top of my head.

I was feeling particularly annoyed with my hair and just wanted it gone. I’d been planning to donate it again so I was waiting till the part I planned to cut off was 10 inches or longer… Yesterday I was so eager to hack it all off so once N was able to watch over baby E I went to town.

They tell you to braid it and then cut it. It needs to be in a braid when you donate it… So I divided my hair in half, made two giant pigtail braids and chopped them both off! I just made the 10 inch minimum and my hair is much shorter and manageable now.

Last time I donated my hair I was living in Arizona and the weather was much drier. Having the hair this short here means it’s very full of body and personality. It feels much better pulled up now though!

For those of you who saw my tweets last night and also my photos here is the new hair photo you wanted:

After the hair massacre N bathed E and I was his “assistant” since I bathed her previously and they hadn’t been able to have bath time bonding yet. Once again she loved bath time and wasn’t so upset when we took her out after we took care to keep her towel warm and ready for her exit.

After the bath we took some funny photos of E with my two massive pigtail braids. N thought it would be fun and it turned out kind of cute. She was getting ready to scream bloody murder as I took this that is why she’s making a funny face. LOL!


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “New hair and a clean babe: A Photo Essay

  1. She looks like Pipi Long Stocking! I just love her! And wow, you have crazy long hair T! I hope E gets hair like that too! Although I was kinda hoping she would come out with anchor man hair! lol
    I love the pics, keep ’em coming!
    .-= Krystal McCarthy´s last blog ..Brain Dump =-.

  2. Gawd, send me that hair! 😉

    Poor baby probably started screaming because she didn’t know what happened to the rest of her mama!

  3. Although I really liked your hair long… I like the shorter look a LOT! When my first was born, I had hair that long (but NO WAY as thick!) and for the same reasons, I had mine cut even shorter than yours. Unfortunately, I did not donate it. Amy always had her little fingers in it and was pulling small amounts which was quite painful. And, my hair still does not grow as fast as yours does!

  4. You look great. One thing I always miss about pregnancy is how full and thick my hair gets. The rest of the time I barely have enough hair to make a pencil-thick braid. I have to get it strategically cut if I want to keep it long.

    Everly needs a little Viking cap in that picture. 😛
    .-= Memarie Lane´s last blog ..Goodbye =-.

  5. i didn’t realize your hair was so long. i’m almost at a breaking point with mine, too. it’s dry. i can’t keep it out of my face. i really want to chop it off but i keep telling myself to hang in there, get it trimmed and thinned, and it will be managable again.
    .-= Mitzi´s last blog ..Wedding Wrapup =-.

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