domestic disasters personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Our stove was on fire!

no-stove.jpgYep, you read it right… Our stove caught fire tonight! I baked some chicken breasts in the oven and then turned the stove off. N and I were eating dinner and this repulsive smell was wafting through the house. I mentioned it to N several times over dinner.

Eventually the smell got stronger and then this blueish smoke started to fill the kitchen. We hunted around trying to find the source of the smell. The stove was off but we were sure it was the culprit! We decided that it would be best to unplug it just to be safe…

Unfortunately unplugging the stove didn’t stop the outpouring of smoke and the noxious fumes and N thought it would be best to call the fire department. We secured the animals and called the fire department, they told us to get out of the house. So we put Dixie out back, locked the cats into the back bedroom, moved bunny and closed all the room doors.

I was chatting with my website host on the computer at the time so I put on my jacket, grabbed the lease, phone and the laptop and went out onto the porch to wait for the firemen to come. My mom would have been so excited that firemen were coming!

When the firemen arrived they agreed, the stove was some how on fire so they dragged it out the back door and proceeded to put the fire out. Turns out the insulation inside the walls of the stove some how ignited… Nice!

N came home for a relaxing dinner break and had to deal with toxic, flaming insulation fumes, about 8 firemen and a sheriff that all knew him because of his job. Now the house is freezing cold (cause we had to air it out) our stove is out back in the snow and the house is about 50 degrees.

Man our heating bill is going to hurt now but hey, makes for a good blog entry!



A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

14 thoughts on “Our stove was on fire!

  1. Goodness! So glad it wasn’t worse. How odd that the insulation inside the stove would catch fire! Doesn’t sound like that should ever happen! Thankfull nobody was hurt and more damage wasn’t done. Sorry about your stove, but you do have a lovely back yard – I think the fence is very nice.

    teeni’s last blog post..Rice and Beans and Collard Greens

  2. How freaky is that? I’ve never even heard of the insulation in a stove catching fire. Is your stove salvagable? Or do you get a new one. I suppose in your shoes I’d get a new one, considering what a freaky thing that happened.

    Thank goodness you had the presence of mind to call the Fire Dept and let them handle it.

    writer chick’s last blog post..Remember Florida?

  3. Oh my gosh! That’s pretty scary! Thankfully you figured out what was going on before it got worse. Also, thankfully the fire dept. decided to drag it outside before spraying it down. That would’ve been a huge mess! Glad everything worked out okay.

    Lynne’s last blog post..Close Your Chip Bag

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