Farm Happenings

Planning for the new year

We are charting the course for our farm in 2018 which requires a good hard look back at 2017. It was sure a year of epic transitions for us but it was also pretty successful. Our home and farm operation changed in the spring of 2017. We severed ties with the farm mentor that was employing and housing us since 2014. We found our forever home/ farmland shortly after.

During the summer of 2017 we moved our budding operation and family across the county to set off on our own agricultural path. We went to work for ourselves in a combination of full time farming and also working jobs off the farm. We continued offering our farm fresh eggs, handcrafted goat milk soaps and our CSA & farm market veggies- plus we added fall garden mums to the mix.

We had our first ever farm open house in the fall, it was super busy and lots of fun to hang out with all our customers. We think our customers enjoyed taking selfies with the dairy goats and checking out the chickens. We know folks loved our pumpkins and garden mums.

It turns out our handcrafted goat milk soap was our most popular product in 2017 followed by our garden mums. As a result, we will be continuing our fall mum production in 2018 with some fun new mum color varieties! We will also have many of the garden mum color variations that we offered last year..

We made the decision to expand our market vegetables and our CSA membership spots this year now that we have so much more land to grow on. We just finished building extensive raised garden beds for some of our crops and we will be starting our 2018 seed in the next few days.

On the livestock front, 2018 kicked off with the appearance of some Great Pyrenees puppies being born in January. February brought us a new lamb being born and later this spring we will have goat kids born (all male offspring is for sale!).

One thing we didn’t get done after we moved was the installation of our permanent fencing. In January we sent our shared dairy cow, Rosie, back to Red Dutchess Farm to live after she hopped the temporary electric fence in a snow storm and had me chasing her up the highway. That was a super fun time… NOPE. Poor girl just wanted to go visit the neighbor’s cows.

We anticipate coming out of winter hibernation sometime in April to sell at the Golconda Farmer’s Market but we don’t anticipate having produce until probably June. We’re so excited to kick of 2018 in our new location and we’re hopeful for continued success thanks to our loyal customers. Be sure to friend us on Facebook on YouTube and subscribe to our email newsletter for the latest updates and farm excitement. We’ve got lots of stuff in the works. Maybe even some Goat Yoga!




A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

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