We have been trying to get Everly to take a bottle and a pacifier, you know so one day we’ll be able to have a date night or something.
Plus, I would prefer to leave her with a sitter sometimes while I am working… Anything to keep her indoors and cool as opposed to the 80 degree temps and 50% humidity that I am working in while teaching a colorguard. I am worried about her getting dehydrated, overheated, sunburned and bug bitten.
Anyway, we’ve been working at getting her to take pumped milk from a bottle now that breastfeeding is well established and risk for “nipple confusion” has passed. We’ve read books, stocked up on different nipple/ bottle types and I have pumped breast milk.
N tries to give her the bottle when I am still asleep in the mornings. He takes her in a different room or even outside so she’s away from me and my scent. Everyone says that she’ll be more likely to refuse the bottle or pacifier if she knows the real thing is near.
He would love to be a part of the feeding process and has been eager to begin bottle feeding her. Unfortunately she screams bloody murder like he is torturing her each time her tries to offer the bottle to her.
He’s tried the walking around with her in the facing out position like The Nursing Mother’s Companionsays to, she still wont take the bottle. We also read The Complete Book of Breastfeeding
for advice.
We have both tried our hand at the cradle hold and a few other positions, different nipples, feeding at different times etc. We have both tried everything we can think of to ease her in to bottle feeding. We are even offering her a pacifier to get her used to the artificial feel.
We have the Adiri Natural Nurser Bottle,a Gerber Nuk Bottle
and the bottles that came in the Medela Breast Pump Accessory Set.
We have a Nuk, a Soothie
and an Avent
pacifier that she’s also refusing.
She simply will not have any part of bottle feeding or pacifiers! She only wants the real thing, which is a nice compliment but at the same time I am worried I’ll never be able to leave her side till she’s weaned of breastfeeding.
I welcome any advice or tips you might have to help get her to take an occasional bottle of pumped milk every now and then.
EEK, honey! Mack was the SAME WAY. No bottle (we tried a bottle of breast milk early on so I could get a little sleep, and it ruined his latch for a few months!). He didn’t want a pacifier, would spit it out. He refused anything except straight-from-the-tap breast milk until he was over 9 1/2 months old. I thought I’d go batshit crazy being at the ready 24/7, but I just accepted it and knew it wouldn’t last forever.
I really hope you find a solution that works for you both!
.-= Hyphen Mama´s last blog ..My 300th Post! And my nephew…. =-.
Time. That’s all that worked for mine. They eventually took a dummy (pacifier) at about 10-12 weeks. I had to get the soft cherry shaped ones though, not any of the others.
As for bottles, I haven’t tried Isaac on a bottle, but Amy didn’t take one until 14 months when I night weaned. And then it was only full of water.
.-= Veronica´s last blog ..Dear Isaac =-.
I have no advice…just sympathy. Jaydon will suck on anything that grazes his mouth and I mean anything. Never once had a problem going back and fourth with bottle and breast. Although he never took much to a pacifier as nothing came out of it, and he picked up on that really fast. I’ve heard that girls are much more likely to have this problem. So you have my sympathy!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..My own business….. could it be??? =-.
Taylor switched back and forth with no problems at all. Seth however was the picky one. He would take a bottle after screaming his head off, but only if I was nowhere around. I had to be out of the house. It wasn’t until he was around 9 months old that he would willingly accept it. And I had to use a Nuby sippy cup, no bottles.
Good luck!
.-= Becky´s last blog ..Work in Progress =-.
I have no ideas for you, only my heartfelt sympathy.
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Homemade Bagels From The RV? Yes… =-.