domestic disasters Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Um, did someone die in this house? Man it smells! (Evansville rental home search continues…)

I am going to be honest, this home hunt thing has really made me a downer lately. I know how boring and blah the posts have been and I am trying to not go on and on about the same crap, it is just hard to swiftly change perspective when nothing is actually looking up […]

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Animals & Pets Life in Evansville Moving out of state personal stories posts with video pregnancy

Brain Spew: Bullet Point Thursday. Bun in the oven edition.

I could be long winded and thorough about all these things but that is just a tad boring and seriously nobody cares that much right? So here is my brain spew for you in the form of an infamous bullet point post. Enjoy! My tap water gives me diarrhea. Yep I know that is TMI […]

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