Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Free baby clothes explosion and some TMI pregnancy talk.

On Sunday we met a lady to pick up some free infant girl clothes that were offered up on freecycle. We have a love/ hate relationship with freecycle. Mostly because so many people are flakes about coming and picking up the stuff they claim they want. Anyway, since the budget has been so tight we […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words posts with video pregnancy

The Renters and the Slumlords: The drama comes to a close (and other updates).

On Sunday Slumlady actually met us at the old rental home and did a walk though inspection with us. We managed to get her on the phone Friday morning following the 33rd week prenatal appointment. We weren’t too sure she would actually show up to the appointment… We still let the neighbors know of the […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories product/ service review recommendations

The Filter Queen, a cute country home and more landlord drama…

Today was an early and productive day for us. We woke up and headed to our bank to discuss getting some legal documentation against our landlords. You see they closed their accounts prior to the beginning of February and our electronic bill payment to them (for rent) wasn’t paid since their account is no longer… […]

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