carnival of living naturally and simply do it more naturally from scratch homemade homemade cleaning living simply old-fashioned know how/ do it yourself remedies Recipes recommendations

Old-Fashioned Know How- Do it yourself remedies part 2

Good lord! The people have spoken and apparently old-Fashioned Know How- Do it yourself remedies are a favorite among my readers and fellow stumblers. A few days ago I shared a microwave cleaner I discovered and I also shared a home made recipe for spackle or wall hole patch and the comments/ hits went through […]

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do it more naturally homemade health Recipes

Find the miracle products in your home that will clean and save you money.

Hydrogen peroxide has a ton of household uses and is often forgotten or overlooked. Rinsing your mouth with a cap full of peroxide each day will whiten your teeth and kill tons of bacteria. A peroxide mouth rinse can save you the cost of name brand teeth whiteners and mouthwashes. Did you know that Listerine […]

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