Random exciting news for ya… N will be flown out to Indiana for an INTERVIEW- he just got word! Yay, woho, Go N! This is very exciting for his career and it makes the job opportunity look very promising. Just wanted to share the sweet news!
If you are wondering what has led to this point in the job search consider reading through all my posts on the job search saga, it has been a roller coaster that started back in 2005!
He will knock their socks off! Go Nathan! Keep us posted! 🙂
Fabulous! Here’s to Nathan wowing them silly.
witchypoos last blog post..Witty Peeps Awarded
Woo! Good luck!
Veronicas last blog post..Alien Abductions?
I hope it all goes OK for him. Sounds like an exciting change if it comes off.
Thanks for visiting me. I have added you to my reader so I will be back.
Reluctant Bloggers last blog post..Please Don’t Go
Very exciting, I will keep my fingers crossed!
Sonias last blog post..Dancing Queens
Yay! Exciting times. Keep us posted how it goes.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!