breastfeeding Life in Evansville parenting personal stories

3 weeks postpartum: Still in a daze trying to grasp it all.

Today Everly is 3 weeks old, we’ve been parents to our beautiful daughter for 21 days. 21 days seems like way more than it currently feels like. Shoot, I am still in a daze and haven’t quite grasped that she came from me and how truly amazing that is. We’ve started printing out some of […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival Featured

My water broke, baby is coming. A Twitter live blog

June 22nd 2009 7:45:15 AM: My water broke at 7:30 am! 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. Here we go! 9:40:53 AM: I’ll do my best to keep sharing labor updates. Woot! Baby time! 9:49:13 AM: – Just finished the lettering. 10:46:21 AM: Blogged: My water broke at 7:30 am! 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival

LiveBlog: Tornado Watches give me contractions!

4:42 PM Sitting out the tornado warning, lights are flickering. Me and the cats are hanging out in the down stairs bathroom. Fun times! 5:00 PM: RT @Jeff_Lyons: “Tornado Watch for most of the tri-state now in effect until midnight cdt” That means me! What about the Evansville Birth Network meeting tonight? 5:11 PM […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival

36 week progress, practice labor? We'll see!

5:42:00 PM: Childbirth update: Non-hurty contraction, baby fish flops and swims around, repeat contraction, repeat baby movement, repeat contraction… 6/1/2009 4:15 – tightening, no pain, eating a sandwich and sitting at kitchen table 4:46 – tightening, discomfort, no cramping or stabbing pain, sitting at kitchen table- Left front hip hurts, right lower back/ hip hurts […]

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Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research get involved home birth advocacy pregnancy

Lets take back our birthing rights!

Did you know the United States is ranked 29th (among industrialized countries) with regards to infant mortality rate? “Since ranking a fairly respectable 12th in 1960, the U.S. fell to an all-time low 29th in the world in infant mortality in 2004, according to the report Recent Trends in Infant Mortality in the United States […]

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Watch Freebirthing on Discovery Health next week!

The Discovery Health channel will be airing “Freebirthing” several more times next week if you are at all interested in alternative birthing practices. Freebirthing is basically unassisted childbirth, women who usually have low risk pregnancies learn about the birth process and carry it out on their own without doctors or midwives. They simply tune in […]

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