Displaying a stunning lack of regard for patient autonomy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a statement this week declaring that the group will “allow” laboring women to drink “modest amounts” of clear fluids during labor while continuing to prohibit access to solid food…
Tag: homebirth
Small victories and insurance battles…
I have a few moments before we have to head out and just wanted to share a few things. First, Everly TOOK A BOTTLE from N this morning, we are super pleased! She ended up taking the Adiri BPA Free Natural Nurser Bottles I won via a blog/ twitter contest back in May. Unfortunately I […]
Everly's first visit with a doctor, an integrated medicine physician.
Everly had her first doctors appointment this week, her 2 month checkup. We saw an integrated medicine physician who seems to be right up our alley in her care philosophy. She’s not pushy about vaccinations and didn’t freak out when we mentioned E was a homebirth baby. Integrated medicine is a mix between alternative medicine […]
People just don't get it sometimes…
Today I saw a news report about a woman who was homebirthing here in Indiana whose baby didn’t make it. The story portrayed all homebirths as unsafe and crazy. It even incorrectly referred to the birth as unassisted (midwives were present) and did nothing but scare people. While the story did have a tragic outcome […]
Parenthood brings new perspective on bodily functions.
Before having a baby I never peed in front of N. Always made him leave the room when I needed to use the bathroom. I also never farted in front of him. Been fairly ladylike over the last 8 years with him. When I was on knees and elbows pushing out Everly and tearing wide […]
Baby Everly is 2 days old!
11:26:24 AM: She is crashed out on my lap right now and we are finally coming out of our daze. 11:30:11 AM: We are heading home tomorrow and all is going well. The stitches are killing me… 11:31:27 AM: and we are still trying to get the hang of breastfeeding. 11:33:03 AM: It all hasnt […]
My water broke, baby is coming. A Twitter live blog
June 22nd 2009 7:45:15 AM: My water broke at 7:30 am! 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. Here we go! 9:40:53 AM: I’ll do my best to keep sharing labor updates. Woot! Baby time! 9:49:13 AM: http://twitpic.com/83ov0 – Just finished the lettering. 10:46:21 AM: Blogged: My water broke at 7:30 am! 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. […]
Still not in labor.
6:16:46 PM: Well i am 39 weeks pregnant now and still waiting. All kinds of stuff is happening with us. 6:19:24 PM: My mom made it here and is going 100 miles a min, thinks that is good for getting labor started. N is finishing his work day 6:21:21 PM: He cant wait too get […]
The art of crotchsicles for home birthing.
Take your ingredients… Combine them and soak some pads! Soak the pads good! They will swell. Place them in a plastic bag. Freeze those babies good… …and after birth you will a nice soothing frozen pad for the vagina. Arnica is for soreness and bruising, witch hazel is an astringent that soothes irritated tissues and […]
Tuesday update from The Farm
2:03:36 PM: Went in to Columbia to meet the back up doc today. Still gaining weight. 2:20:27 PM: Pamela says we look to be on track for a short delivery. Not so short that N wont make here though. 2:24:59 PM: I am almost 100% effaced, baby’s station is about -1 and I am now […]
… and the waiting game begins.
7:08:21 PM: N just headed back home and I am here crying my eyes out. 7:09:56 PM: Pamela brought me some dinner from her garden. 7:12:41 PM: I am still holding at 1 cm and Taters head is way low. The wait really begins now! 7:50:09 PM: Blogged: … and the waiting game begins. http://tinyurl.com/mgpzyw
Bags are packed, I'm ready to go!
Tomorrow I’ll be at The Farm staying in my midwife’s birthing cabin right next door to her. I’ll be 38 weeks 2 days pregnant and at that point, Tater can basically choose her perfect birthday and come whenever she is ready. I wont be stressing about whether or not we’ll make it to The Farm […]
LiveBlog: Tornado Watches give me contractions!
4:42 PM Sitting out the tornado warning, lights are flickering. Me and the cats are hanging out in the down stairs bathroom. Fun times! 5:00 PM: RT @Jeff_Lyons: “Tornado Watch for most of the tri-state now in effect until midnight cdt” That means me! What about the Evansville Birth Network meeting tonight? 5:11 PM http://twitpic.com/75cxo […]
36 Weeks and 6 days pregnancy TMI update
12:05:17 PM: Just lost some of my mucus plug, 1 cm dilated as of yesterday.12:14:27 PM: Sitting down for pancakes and bacon with N now. 1:07:57 PM: It is so exciting to know that progress is being made as far as having the baby goes. 1:09:08 PM: N and I were talking about how Tater […]
36 week progress, practice labor? We'll see!
5:42:00 PM: Childbirth update: Non-hurty contraction, baby fish flops and swims around, repeat contraction, repeat baby movement, repeat contraction… 6/1/2009 4:15 – tightening, no pain, eating a sandwich and sitting at kitchen table 4:46 – tightening, discomfort, no cramping or stabbing pain, sitting at kitchen table- Left front hip hurts, right lower back/ hip hurts […]
In 12 days I am outta here to wait for Tater's birth…
N and I enjoyed our second-to-last-weekend before the baby madness begins, we stayed in and relaxed. I also tried to stay off the computer and away from technology since I am about to be cut off from it for an extended amount of time while out at The Farm. It was a warm and dry […]
Testing the live blog tweeting…
10:08:39 PM: Having some practice contractions… Need to make dinner. 10:12:22 PM: Loving my new wordpress/ twitter blogging plugin I just installed! http://tinyurl.com/czxb9c Gonna use it 2 tweet my birth!
Preparing for my "homebirth" via my dreams.
The clock is ticking, each day that passes brings N and I that much closer to parenthood. We are still working to get everything we’ll need together for Tater’s arrival. All the physical stuff is important but we’ve also started to delve in to the emotional stuff that is preparation for Tater’s arrival. Unmedicated, natural […]
Sitting in the nasty basement waiting for the storm to pass and pushing for the Indiana Midwifery Licensure Bill
I am sitting on a rubbermaid bin in my basement. The pets are all corralled in the laundry room and the weather radio is playing the weather coverage. We are under another tornado warning… N is at work this time so I am sitting this one out alone. This morning we had a “meeting” with […]