Life in Flagstaff personal stories pictures say 1000 words wedding planning

A look at the wedding though another photographer’s eyes…

Bridal Potty Time

We were lucky enough to have two different wedding photographers at the wedding, each with a varied style. They both did a great job as I’m sure you’ll agree.

In my previous wedding photos post I talked a bit about how lame I feel in posed photos and how lame I end up looking. I blame my general dislike for posed photos on my short preteen modeling career.

We never do the portrait studio family photo thing (well, last year was the exception), we much prefer to take our own photos as the “in the moment” shots are usually of the most value to us in the long run… but with a growing family of young, squirmy kids, letting someone else take the photos is honestly less stress and headache.

So, to make a long story short, we were open to formal photography for the wedding because it’s one of those things you just do right? We weren’t so sure about how well the photos would turn out, considering the subjects (LOL)… but MAN were we pleasantly surprised!

Eric Cook Photography seriously blew us away with their ability to take formal, staged photos of us where we didn’t look all awkward and overly staged. Even the unstaged photos (like the bathroom one you see to the left) look super fabulous.

Below is a summary video made for us of the low resolution images that will give you a nice glimpse of the wedding:

I am personally in love with this family photo…

After our experience with Eric Cook Photography I can honestly say that more formal photography is in the future for us, especially this winter when we have a squirmy newborn to add the the mix. It’s a shame that both the amazing photographers we’ve worked with are all the way back in Arizona and not here in Indiana.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

2 thoughts on “A look at the wedding though another photographer’s eyes…

  1. Talina,
    We are happy to hear you like the pictures. It was truly our pleasure working with you and your beautiful family. You are not alone in fearing “posed photography”… many people share your concerns. Our goal is to create natural looking images, even when posed. Congratulations again on the upcoming addition to your family.
    Eric & Donna Cook

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