free craft projects from scratch gift ideas

I was not making porn I promise!

Just because I have a tripod set up at the end of the bed does not mean we were making porn! I am sure that is what the neighbors are thinking though.

It’s a kind of funny sight and thought so I snapped a photo of it and thought I would make it the title of this post. Nice huh? I am sure I’ll get lots of 1 second hits from people searching for homemade porn now huh?

Seriously though I was recording a video demonstration for another craft article I wrote. As I mentioned yesterday I sold another article and have been feeling highly motivated to write these days. Plus the search terms on this blog have been super instructional craft project oriented. The people have spoken and want more craft instructions so I got busy writing some more tutorials.

I sat down and wrote up an article on how to make your own t shirt quilt from shirts you have collected over the years. I used our bed to record the demonstration video that goes with the article and I just happen to leave the tripod at the foot of the bed. Nice and random huh?

What? You want to see a t shirt quilt? Well lookie here:


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “I was not making porn I promise!

  1. That is really a wonderful idea. I have t-shirts from several family reunions, every Nutcracker my youngest performed in, and all the colleges the offspring attended. Not to mention a few motorcycle themed and “humorous” ones. It is quite a collection and using them for a quilt would empty out a drawer I could use for things I actually wear.

    Donna B.s last blog post..Puppy Love

  2. @ Donna
    Yep, t shirt quilts rock and the clear out TONS of space and when all those t shirts are out of the way you’ll have enough space for some new clothes!

    @ Lori
    Ha, nope no video surprises for N… Too bad for him huh? I would never want something like that on tape, would come back to bite me in the ass.

  3. I love the t-shirt quilt! The potential for ideas for quilt themes is unbelievable, the only limit is the imagination,, or in my case a sewing machine,, lol. Hey, maybe I should borrow one, and make a big plump quilt for my futon, my butt would be happy.

    Loris last blog post..A fooo fooo foool for a futon

  4. Oh, I love your T-shirt quilt! I was going to ask about that so I’m glad you included pics! 🙂 I have tagged you for a meme and I need to email you about the writing stuff too.

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