After spending most of the morning cleaning like a mad woman I think it is time for a nap! One of N’s coworkers is watching over the house and the pets while we go to our prenatal appointment at The Farm so I wanted to have the house clean, you know since an outsider would be in it and all.
Plus, I am real particular about the state of the house when I return from trips. I like to have vacuuming done, dishes washed, laundry done and everything straightened/ decluttered. I want to leave the place super clean because I know that while we are away the cats are going to go crazy.
Every single time we go away the cats tear the house up. They’ll knock over plants, vomit hairballs and food all over the carpet, they even find people food to consume (like bread, chips or cereal) and of course everything that was left on a flat surface finds it’s way to the floor before we return.
The pets make quite a mess for us to deal when once we return from our trip, this is why cleaning the house before we leave is important. It means less crap to deal with when we return.
So we cleaned a ton today, picked up the rental car and are ready to depart for the appointment this weekend. I am actually kind of excied to spend a weekend out and about. Back in the day, oh about 7 years ago, N and I used to travel ALL the time.
One month after I started dating him he took me on this romantic trip to San Diego that he compleatly planned. I had no idea what to expect from the trip but he sure had it all worked out. We stayed in a room with a giant whirlpool tub (of course we had champagne and goodies while in the giant bubble bath), he took me to a location where one of Maralyn Monroe’s movies was shot, it was this beautiful hotel on the beach, we did lots of fun stuff on that trip and best of all he arranged it all and surprised me with it.
That was the start to our love for traveling. Since then we have done all sorts of other traveling. Some notable times were the week long road trip to move out here oh and we’ve camped up the pacific coast highway and were almost attacked by a bear.
Speaking of that week long road trip, while I was looking back at the archives I was amazed at how much was going on during that trip! Did you read the whole 2 week series of “edge of your seat” drama? Here is a recap for you. We loaded 13 living beings (5 cats, 1 dog, 2 birds, 1 bunny and 4 people) in to our 1970’s Winnebago for a 1500 mile trip from Arizona to Indiana.
- Road trip day 1 – Arizona to New Mexico – Landlord never showed up to move out inspection, we strapped things to the top of the RV, filled the RV with crap and left Arizona behind. You have to see the photo we shared of the cramped RV!
- Road trip day 2 – New Mexico to New Mexico – Locked in the RV, Route 66 Auto Museum, Ken’s Ice Cream and no liquid crack (starbucks) or WiFi.
- Road Trip Day 3 – Logan, NM to Dodge City, KS – Nipple blasting showers, antique shopping, WiFi jacking and dinner out at Casey’s Cowtown Club.
- Road Trip Day 4 – Dodge City, KS to Emporia, KS – Lake fun with the dog, 2 cats escape the RV, fake cows scare the dog, visit The Dodge Museum, N gets burned via tanning salon mystery shop and we visit Greensburg, KS.
- Road Trip Day 5 – Emporia, KS to Kansas City, MO – Electricity issue, starter in the RV dies, batteries in the RV are dead, missed our mystery shop and the RV park’s power hookup fried our RV’s power inverter!
- Day 5 continued – Kingdom City, MO to Stanton, MO – bought lamps at a flea market, stopped at Noglastia Ville, made a detour for Merimac Caverns, family tensions rise, mom throws up dinner and goes to bed and N’s skin is still super burned!
- Day 6 – Stanton, MO to Evansville, IN – Visited the Merimac Caverns, the St Louis Arch and finally arrived at our new home!
- Days 7-11, We are here but the chaos continues – Fist fight with brother, brother goes to jail, get brother out of jail, drive to louisville to fly brother and mom home, their original flight is canceled and then the rescheduled flight is canceled.
- Sitting in the garage, watching Ike blow through.
- OMG, we are actually living in Evansville…
Anyway, I am totally looking forward to this weekend. I doubt it will be as eventful as our road trip to move out here was but it will be so nice to get out and to see some new sights! Got any suggestions about waht we should see along the way from Evansville to Nashville? Hope you all have a great weekend.