Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Just passing through to leave a quick update or On the move again!

I spent the day trying to get through my feed reader and visit as many of YOUR blogs as I can. I’ve still got lots of unread stuff and am making my way that direction soon I promise. – Yesterday we signed the paperwork and paid the down payment for our new home. We got […]

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funny posts Life in Evansville personal stories

Instead of The Bold and the Beautiful it is The Renters and the Slumlords…

Douchebag, douchbag… La, la, la…    <- That is my landlord song. Today I present you with another episode of The Renters and the Slumlords. I thought this other post was the last of the saga, boy was I wrong but I am feeling a bit punchy so I am going to try having some fun […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

The final chapter of the crappy evansville landlord drama.

Today is a good day! For those of you following the rental saga, here is the latest (and hopefully the final) update. After months of certified letters, emails, phone calls and face to face meetings that accomplish nothing we’ve finally decided to ask the landlords to release us from the lease come May 1st. We […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Slumloards, credit scores and a prenatal chiropractor [in a pear tree]…

Being all pregnancy slackerific the majority of the time means that when the energy does actually come in spurts we have a crapload of stuff to accomplish all at once. Thankfully as a team N and I have managed to continue getting everything dealt with that needs to be. It is days like today that […]

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domestic disasters Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Bubbling with anticipation and watching the world blow by…

Tomorrow is our big ultrasound appointment and we are excited about it. We are dying to know if Tater Tot is a boy or girl and we know you are itching to know too… Also, we called a local lender today and are waiting to hear if we are pre approved for a mortgage. We […]

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Evansville Indiana Alternative Birthing Options & Research home birth advocacy Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy

In Indiana breathing mold is okay but home birth is not, just an FYI.

Yeah I know the title seems kind of odd huh? I have been tying all sorts of weird things together these days like posts about a ladies hoo-hoo’s and mold. This is just the way my brain is working these days… Hopefully it is mildly entertaining for you cause this mold thing is making me […]

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