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Free baby clothes explosion and some TMI pregnancy talk.

On Sunday we met a lady to pick up some free infant girl clothes that were offered up on freecycle. We have a love/ hate relationship with freecycle. Mostly because so many people are flakes about coming and picking up the stuff they claim they want.

Anyway, since the budget has been so tight we have not been reluctant to ask for things we need when someone posts an offer on freecycle. We’ve managed to get some pretty helpful things like pet food and baby stuff which has helped us big time. This last freecycler takes the cake though!

We expected a box or a sack of clothing items when we came to claim the baby girl stuff. She said she had a range of sizes and some various other odds and ends. She wanted the same person to take it all so she could be done with it. Sounded fine to us, we’ll just pick through it and pass on the stuff we don’t need or can’t use.

I have no problem with used baby clothes. I know some people do and N has even felt a bit bad about so much of Tater’s stuff being hand-me-down but the reality is babies grow out of stuff so fast and will only poo and vomit on things so there is no shame in reusing and recycling clothes. Saves money and is good for the environment right?


Don’t get me wrong, we’ve been gifted many new clothing items and we’ve even bought a few special outfits for Tater but after this recent freecycle score we wont need much clothes wise for Tater until she is in 6-9 month stuff, this makes me pretty happy and very relieved.

Here is what we ended up keeping:
baby clothes hanging to dry

This is the newborn & 0-3 month stuff that is hanging to dry after being washed. We don’t have a dryer yet (well we do but it doesn’t plug in to the outlet right now) so this is how we are drying clothes when we can’t hang them outside.

baby clothes explosion

I know, it looks like an explosion of pink baby clothes. Don’t laugh, it saves us money with the electric bill too! Also, the pink might make my eyes bleed but I can’t complain when it is free right?

baby clothes waiting to be washed

This box overflowing with clothes contains all the 3-6 month stuff and some blankets that still need to be washed. We got lots of good stuff! There were 4 total trash bags full of clothes, we are keeping about half of it. Freecycle was good to us this time around!

Now for the TMI pregnancy updates, flee if you don’t want to know about my cervix and other lady parts stuff.

I am still 50% effaced and am now 1cm dilated since my last visit a week ago. I’ve gained 4 more pounds (yep 4 in a week, enter your baby weight guess soon!) and have had more frequent BH contractions since last week too. Oh and I am now having some brownish, light spotting that my midwife says is just the result of the recent cervix check. The cervix check didn’t hurt today either.

Haven’t started leaking fluid and haven’t noticed the loss of my mucus plug. I am also not having any painful contractions though I am noticing some pelvic pain that is not accompanied by tightening. I’ve got irritable uterus it seems (Hot Belly Mama opened my eyes to this) and I need to be drinking more water.

Yesterday I ate an entire half of a watermelon in addition to drinking like 4 glasses of unsweetened iced tea. Still need more water though.

We’ve got 23 days until Tater’s “due date”. She is full term on Thursday and in 11 short days I’ll be at The Farm waiting for labor to start. Time is just sort of flying by.


A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

0 thoughts on “Free baby clothes explosion and some TMI pregnancy talk.

  1. You have to love the free baby clothes. We got several trash bags of baby things from friends and family here as well. It helped alot. We got bottles, baby tub, blankents and clothing galore for newborn to six months. It really helps out with there is a tight budget.

  2. Wow, wtg on the clothes haul! Hammy has a ton of hand-me-downs from friends & family too…I totally understand the money issue and the not being able to buy much right now. I’m waiting for curtain rods on freecycle. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. When I was pregnant with Isaac, a friend offered me bags of her old baby stuff. I expected a small bag or so of stuff. I ended up with enough clothes to do us until he is 12 months old. I was thrilled. There was very little stuff I wouldn’t use in it. Yay for second hand stuff!

    And I’m sure you won’t mind the pink once your little girl is here. I swore that I hated pink, but Amy ended up wearing heaps of it.

    Not long now!

    Veronicas last blog post..EDS is ruining my sex life.

  4. witchypoo ยป

    Oh, I see… I was thinking. “Dang she seemed mad is my blog annoying her?” Isn’t your pain improving?
    Before I read your comment I saw the paypal payment email and was all “Why is Witchypoo paying me??” I will use that money to order a diaper right now. Thanks a ton!

  5. I agree with what the others have said: Tater will never even notice her “stuff” is pre-owned. Think of it like hand-me-downs from a relative or friend. Once they’re washed, nobody knows the difference.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..So…what else is new?

  6. You know, Tater won’t care if it is not new stuff. As long as you have a few new things already, there is no need to spend tons of money. Like you said, she’ll only pee, poo, and puke on it anyway.

    Karens last blog post..Getting Creative Again

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