This one is for Janelle! She posted about a silly commercial that aired in her town and encouraged her readers to share commercials from their town. Since my satellite dish can’t find a signal (it’s covered in snow and I am too darn cold to climb on to the roof to brush it off) I went to youtube to search for already uploaded commercials about our town’s services. I can’t decide which one is the best…
Ok, those cannot be real commericals that actaully air on TV! The carpet cleaning one- what the heck was that? And the pants commerical, is that real?? Too Funny!!
Janelle’s last blog post..How Many Lawyers Does It Take….?
Janelle » I wouldn’t be surprised if the did air… Small town! LOL, good times…
Oh my God lovE THEM 🙂
kaylee’s last blog post..CANCER
kaylee’s last blog post..My worst valentine’s Day