gardening reference personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Birthday photos shared!

I promised to post some photos from my birthday and I try to live up to my promises! Since I got plants galore you will be subjected to a slew of bulb information and photos but don’t run away yet! We also have some adorable baby photos and some yummy fondue photos to share.

First, I compiled a list of the plants I got, plugged them in to my Dave’s Garden Journal with photos so I could remember what got planted where in a few months. It’s so easy to forget what you have and where you put it when you have a garden addiction like I do!

Here is my niece who came with my mom to stay with us for my birthday. She is the most well behaved baby I have ever been around and she loves the camera!



Here we are at Wupatki National Monument inside one of the ruins. I wasn’t quite ready for the photo to be taken (as you can see) but it’s still priceless.


Here is a photo of us eating fondue on my birthday. It was yummy and so much fun!


We took my mother and niece out to Grand Falls for fun, we of course got a group photo of us in front of the waterfall.


And here are the photos I took of my newly sprouted crocus. They have surfaced in a variety of colors and locations. We are really enjoying their progress and beauty and thought you might also.





A city girl turned farmer. Yes women do farm ;) Owner and operator of direct to consumer, Ryder Family Farm in Southern Illinois.
Wearing many hats I'm also a mother to 3, a wife, a yogi, a farmer, a 4-H & Girl Scout leader & hospitality manager.

6 thoughts on “Birthday photos shared!

  1. Oh, your niece is adorable! The fondue looks like so much fun! And your plants look great – I’m looking forward to learning more about them and seeing them grow. Also, the crocuses look great too. I haven’t seen mine this year. Hmmm. Oh well, I’m glad you had a nice birthday – you deserve it. It’s been a crazy past couple of months for you!

    teeni’s last blog post..Take Two of These and Call Me In the Morning

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