backyard chickens From city to country life Life in Evansville Urban Homesteading

Tales from the backyard flock: Are they cooked or do they have chicks in them?

For the last week, maybe two, we have had significantly fewer eggs each day from our six laying hens. Initially I thought that the hens that were not laying had nutritional imbalances since they’ve been eating chicks starter food (against our wishes). We’ve recently integrated our baby chicks to our adult flock, our Rhode Island Reds […]

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Life in Evansville parenting personal stories

Owned parents: Leaders of the crazy train and sometimes the best birth control ever!

I’m normally pretty good at solo parenting outings but they really don’t happen often. We all very much prefer to stay home in our PJs… After you read this you’ll understand why. My kids are experts on “packing their bags” with necessities and snacks for outings. Everly is such a pro at it that if […]

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Life in Evansville parenting personal stories Urban Homesteading

How does anyone with an actual job have time to do all of these crunchy things?!

A while back I was the target of some crunchy flaming, as some of you know. Apparently people don’t believe I actually do all the crunchy things I’ve written about and shared here on the blog and it became this debate/ venting session for all of them. Anyway, one of the comments made was… Does […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Baby brother is still cooking?! 38 week pregnancy updates and thoughts on induction.

In the last weeks of pregnancy women often find themselves simply DONE with the process and ready to meet their baby. Even crunchy ones that are aware of all the reasons baby should keep cooking! Pregnancy often leaves your mind and body conflicting on many things… meeting that sweet baby ASAP is one of those […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Sisters practice for baby brother’s arrival… Not much time is left.

Things have been pretty non-stop around here lately, I’m guessing it’s just going to continue until our newest family member has joined us in a few short weeks. Everly and Adalyn are practicing for the arrival of their baby brother and for the excitement of Christmas. Some days they are bundling baby dolls (that they […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories

Counting down to winter & our baby boy… Just a few weeks left!?!

Here in Southern Indiana, we are officially experiencing the Fall season. I’ve even had to kick on the heater a few times! The garden growth and harvesting has died down lots, as have our hen’s egg production. This year we had two odd volunteer pumpkin plants that sprang up and just flourished all season with […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

The exciting news we are ready to share. It’s a …

It’s true we have some exciting news to share. It was officially announced to our close circle of loved ones our wedding. Actually, we’ve been dropping hints here and there and even dropped a major hint at the actual wedding… You already know that we had our belated wedding this month right? If not, you […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories

Life transitions are underway and we enjoy the fruits of our labor.

I wanted to write about all the exciting stuff that is in the near future for us, things like wedding dresses, possible acreage and growing families… but today I really need to tell you this. Adalyn went to be for the first time last night, without me. In all her almost 2 years of life […]

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book review Life in Evansville

Food For Thought- Like to know your food Indiana? Then you’ll love this book!

[pinit count=”horizontal” url=”” image_url=”” description=”Like to know your food Indiana? Then you’ll love this book!” float=”right”] Hoosiers supplying Hoosiers with the best the local food movement has to offer is the focus of a new, conversation-starting coffee table book titled Food for Thought: an Indiana Harvest. It is such a cool idea for a coffee-table book and it […]

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Featured Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Reflecting on the past then looking forward and planning ahead

There are only 4 months left in this whirlwind of a year! Remember all that madness? Need a recap? Last August we were living in Flagstaff, AZ and N proposed to me on the top of the San Francisco Peaks. Then we packed up a moving truck, the RV, said goodbye to all our family, […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories recommendations

A breastfeeding mom's quest to eat well on the run…

Going back to work has been great for my sanity and emotional well being, it’s proving to be hard on my diet and nutrition though. While I was pregnant I gained weight easily because my appetite really increased and also my activity level decreased as it was harder and harder for me to move around. […]

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