N’s birthday was two days ago and I’ve been slacking off on posting about his cake. My mind is going in a zillion different directions these days. I blame it on the pregnancy! Sorry it took this long dudes… 🙁 Anyway, I baked him an Orange Crush Cake per his request. Last year he got […]
Category: Life in Evansville
Tater's Shower: reflections on friendship, blessings and learning to let go.
I took a break from the computer for the last few days. I was afraid having interactions via twitter, facebook or through blog comments would only result in my being bitchy to people and unnecessarily hurting feelings. I took a few days to let it all “simmer” and to get some perspective on things. Basically, […]
They are showering Tater in Phoenix right now!
Thanks to Krystal, a long time buddy (who is practically a sister to me), a baby shower is taking place in Phoenix, Arizona right now in Tater’s honor. We are 1800 miles away of course but are attending via video conference to partake in the festivities. Isn’t technology great? If you have an AIM account, […]
6 weeks until the baby wait begins…
In 6 short weeks I’ll be taking a blog hiatus and enjoying the forest settings at The Farm while I wait for Tater to join us. Can you believe that? 6 weeks! I am feeling pretty good about it all and am still totally ready and excited! If you missed the update on my latest […]
31 week prenatal update and brain dump
Are these brain dump posts getting old yet? It seems like you are still reading them so I just keep writing them… A few people expressed an interest in hearing the updates from the prenatal appointment we just had back on Friday so here they go: We met with the 3rd OBGYN in the practice’s […]
Picture this: Talina washing laundry in the pond out back and balancing a laundry basket on her head…
… don’t worry I am just kidding around and feeling a bit cheeky right now. It’s N’s strange sense of humor influencing me again ;-P Happy Friday to all! This is a prewritten (brain dump) post as we are off at the OBGYN early this morning for the 31 week checkup and more fights about […]
So glad the weekend is almost here!
Well, we’ve officially spent the first week in our new place. We are much happier here, obviously and are so glad that the bulk of the moving process is behind us now. We’ve still got cleaning to do at the old place and we are trying to nail down a walk though appointment time with […]
Today marks my 30th week of pregnancy, holy cow I am HUGE!!!
Just took my 30th week pregnancy photo and good lord did I pop! If you visit my online baby shower site you can see what I was looking like during my 26th week of pregnancy while we were out visiting my midwife. In one month I’ve grown quite a bit and the pictures are major […]
We're moved in… Vlog and chat
As promised I did a vlog and chat at 8pm my time (eastern daylight savings time) right here in this blog post. I am going to leave the chat box in the post. If you see more than one person on the chat list you can chat with them but there is no guaranteeing that […]
Just another post written in the wee hours of the morning…
Patience is not my best attribute right now! It is 4am. The dog woke me by scratching the door, she is sleeping outside along with one of our cats. You see, we are now living in the new place and we’ve got white carpets throughout the whole place. The backyard is a swamp since it’s […]
And we're outta here…
We picked up the moving truck and hit some grocery sales today. I am pretty pleased to have gotten a rack of pork ribs, 2 big packages of steak and 3 jars of kraft BBQ sauce all for under $30! I’ve taken to selectively shopping for what we need. We’ll go to one store and […]
Assvice: Lets talk baby play yards for a second…
You guys are so helpful with the mommy assvice advice! I can’t call it assvice because really I do appreciate hearing all the good info about those useless things that new parents often get sucked in to buying. My eyes have been opened, thank goodness! Gives me less to stress about, lol. So, we figured […]
Like everyone else, we're looking for ways to "get by"…
Normally we don’t complain or share the financial situation with others but I am pretty sick of hearing about how “lucky we are” from people who THINK we are living the high life. I am not going to rant on and on about this though… We’ve got less than 3 months to save up the […]
Don't worry, I am not dead- just blog slacking.
Don’t worry, I am not dead. Just crazy busy. I survived the tornado warning and am still doing well with Tater. We are still moving stuff in to our new place and I did actually do the video tour of the new house today. The video is kind of a speed demon tour though, lol. […]
Sitting in the nasty basement waiting for the storm to pass and pushing for the Indiana Midwifery Licensure Bill
I am sitting on a rubbermaid bin in my basement. The pets are all corralled in the laundry room and the weather radio is playing the weather coverage. We are under another tornado warning… N is at work this time so I am sitting this one out alone. This morning we had a “meeting” with […]
Oh, my grinding pelvis and popping back. My bones are LOOSE these days!
For the next 3 months we’ll just be a few gimps in smelly, dirty clothes in a house the wreaks of dirty cat box and has pet hair all over the carpet. I can just see it now!
Just passing through to leave a quick update or On the move again!
I spent the day trying to get through my feed reader and visit as many of YOUR blogs as I can. I’ve still got lots of unread stuff and am making my way that direction soon I promise. – Yesterday we signed the paperwork and paid the down payment for our new home. We got […]
Gestational diabetes screening in pregnant woman, how my situation unfolds.
I seriously debated whether or not to post my last entry because I felt it was an unresolved issue that left me open to the possibility of getting tons of “you are a crazy hippy, listen to your doctor” feedback… You guys are amazing though! I never imagined I would receive so much helpful information […]
Just more reason why I wont be birthing with my OBGYN in a hospital…
This morning the home phone rings, we are still asleep so we don’t answer it. I know my OBGYN’s office is supposed to call me today regarding the results of my routine blood glucose screen. I also know I told them to call my cell phone. I fall back asleep and then my cell phone […]
Survived the blood draw and am reading like crazy!!
We got up at the butt crack of dawn to get ready for the days prenatal appointment. I wasn’t allowed to eat anything after drinking my nasty Glucola. The Glucola had to be started by 8:45am and finished by 8:50am so I had to eat before hand. The thing is I’ve never been able to […]