I am curious, do you know the exactly how much money you are paying in interest and bank fees each month? I ask because recently I’ve been particularly worried about this one credit card account I have. It was literally the first card I got when I decided to try reestablishing myself credit wise. This […]
Category: our economy
Yep, we are moving AGAIN… Shoot me now!
Did you watch Obama’s thing last night? I did because N and I are all opinionated about the government and we’ve been looking real hard at the governments ideas to help the housing market. We’ve officially come out of our state of delusion and are actively looking for a new home that we want to […]
Coming out of the winter coma on a warm and sunny weekend…
You’ve heard about S.A.D right? It is a type of “winter mood disorder”… I’ve seen commercials about S.A.D and the prescription pills that “I should ask my doctor about if I am experiencing similar symptoms”. I have always rolled my eyes about the idea of the winter season making people depressed enough to need a […]
Home buying fun in Evansville, IN- sellers are still greedy even when screwed!
Remember all the times I have talked about trying to buy a home on this blog? Well we are still living the first time home buyer saga. Over the weekend we looked at a place here that was a possible option for us, we met a Realtor that was overly eager to make her money […]
The Celebrity Ads, what are your thoughts?
It seems everyone but Britney Spears has responded to McCain’s petty celebrity ad! When Paris Hilton responded it was funny but now that Obama has responded I am not sure what I think. I mean there are too many other important issues to focus on right now and all we can dwell on is the […]
So much chaos and uncertainty in the USA right now *sigh*
I have been following the news of the massive flooding occurring in the Midwest right now since Indiana is a place we may be relocating to. Many people are displaced and have had their homes ravaged by the flooding and storms. Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa are in a state of emergency as a result of […]
Income inequality and how it impacts life in the USA.
I have got to admit, I envy those of you living outside the US sometimes. Today I am just not loving our consumer driven corporate America. There are just too many greedy people out there looking to use one another to get ahead in life, this leaves the rest of us going without and struggling. […]
Being a renter in Arizona kind of sucks!
Well, this was going to be an auto post for tomorrow since we are heading down to my moms house but I am just raging mad right now and have to share this shit with you guys! Yesterday I mentioned that our landlord informed us that the home we are renting was being put on […]
When life gives you lemons…
… smash them into a sorry pulp, take some photos and blog about it. Things are crazy right now (that is quite the understatement)… Our living situation saga just keeps getting more and more interesting as the days pass. Back on January 15th 2008 I wrote “You broke your toe? Want to buy a house?” […]
Our gas bill is how much?
My blood started to boil when I walked into the dining room and peered over N’s shoulder at the gas bill. Last month we paid $55.39 for 40 therms over the course of 2 months, this was November & December. Our new bill is for $208.61!! Apparently we used 170 therms in 32 days… That’s […]
Credit and how they are screwing you.
I saw a documentary last night that I highly recommend every American sees, it is called Maxed out. The movie basically illustrates how much of a struggle it is to get out of debt and it’s also illustrates how lucrative debt and debt collection is for creditors and collectors. This movie made me very, very […]
Can Washington prevent a recession?
N came home for dinner last night and told me about the announced plan to offer “tax-rebate checks of at least 300 dollars per taxpayer, with some seeking as much as 800 dollars per person or 1,600 dollars per household”. They think giving people money to encourage them to spend more will fix all the […]
The economy and house prices….
Well, today the owners of the place we are renting made us another offer.. You see when we first agreed to rent this place we were in the middle of contract negotiations and we were interested in buying a home but were not finding anything at the right price. We agreed to rent on a […]