Great ideas at the last minute don’t always pay off immediately. This is something I have learned over the course of my year long small business adventure. On November 20th 2005 I officially decided to look into creating an “online business” for the crafts I have enjoyed producing. I got a overwhelming response from family […]
Category: Uncategorized
Have you started you holiday shopping yet?
Holiday Shopping just keeps getting easier and easier every year with the constant advancements in internet commerce! I know some people are still reluctant about shopping online but organizations like PayPal and Google Checkout are taking great strides to make the shopping experience safer and easier for the consumer. Tonight I managed to buy 5 […]
Craft Shows, Grand Canyon Tours and Orders.. Oh my!!
Some family came to visit us this last week before the craziness of the holidays sets in. Nathan and I took them on a train ride to the Grand Canyon and had a blast. We were invited to attend the Grand Canyons “Sunset Limited” inaugural run awhile back and we had such a great time […]
Spreading good will all year round
Many people around me are sick of always hearing about the bad things in life. We are all just seeking good news and are longing to make a difference in the lives around us. Do you believe that reaching out to one person can make a difference? I do! The kindness you extend to that […]
Clean wax drips off your carpet with your iron.
Ever had wax drip onto your carpet clothes or furniture? Today I had a red candle burning in the bedroom while I was off doing stuff in another room. I know, every candle says “do not burn unattended” and what do I do? I left it burning unattended and red wax dripped all the way […]
My Hotel Annoyances
This is continuation of my previous post about my hotel stories. My pet peeve tonight is: Guests who fling their room keys or papers across the desk at you. read more | digg story
Home Depot Selling Solar Power to Mainstream America
Well this is the best news I have read today!! The Home Depot has teamed up with BP Solar to provide solar installation service to customers. It is offering its customers the ability to sign-up online for free, in-home consultations. This is making simple living more achievable for Mainstream America. If you want to read […]
The message in a bottle brings hope and memories..
This was such a heart warming story that I found on today. Follow the link below to see the video: Josh Baker was a Marine fighting in Iraq. He died in a car crash a few months after his return home, but his family and friends recently found a happy reminder. Steve Hartman reports. […]
Save water and have a beautiful garden!
“Snow water harvesting can bring life to cold deserts and renew traditional heritage as an example of sustainability that all of us can learn from, globally. ” (quote taken from: rain Collecting rain/ snow for watering the garden is a great way to save water and lower your water bills! Lots of people are […]
Rewind those DVD's with ease!!
Ha! Okay somebody emailed this to me and it is just too funny! Now, try to wrap your brain around this one: The DVD rewinder…. Over at Digital Video Guru Russell writes about this interesting product, The DVD Rewinder. It rewinds your DVD’s so you don’t have to! This amazingly creative, yet very unnecessary product […]
On death and living Life to the fullest..
Today two students from the high school I teach at were killed in a tradgic car accident. One of them was a member of the marching band that I work with. Death is always difficult to deal with and it is always so much harder when young people are involved. I had my first brush […]
Stop procrastinating!! Do it already!
Stop procrastinating!! Do it already! “Dreams without action are just words… They are empty words. Words that can’t be trusted. It’s only when we take action that we get what we dream of. Things get done when we do them.” (Saw this @ today and it got me thinking!) I am writing a post […]
Sustainable Living in Arizona
Our dream is to one day have a property that allows us to grow our own food, harvest rain water, and to live a little more sustainability .. I saw this story on the news and thought it was kind of cool. The guy that the story is on lives in Prescott, AZ so that […]
Wildlife swoops in for a visit..
I had a great laugh yesterday when a bird that was tormenting my cats took a wrong turn and flew into my house!! My cats play outside on this fenced in patio area that I have. I have many plants and wildlife in this area and apparently the birds were teasing the cats by dive […]
Upcoming Craft Shows 2006…
Crafters and vendors everywhere have already started signing up for holiday craft shows and festivals for the busy winter months. The holiday months are often the time when businesses make the most profits and this is also why craft shows are so big during the winter months!As a crafter/ vendor I have found many resources […]
Fall is here!! The busiest time of year!
Fall is here and I am so excited because that means winter is just around the corner! I love it when the seasons change and I am so happy to be living in an area where we get to experience the seasons! On the other hand, fall is the craziest, most hectic time of year […]
Our gift… A mouse..
Now my own mother is harassing me about how I need to update my blog so I guess it is well overdue! This morning our cats left a fresh treat for us on the side of the bed.. A mouse!! Nathan I and I saw the mouse about 4 days ago when […]
Microwaved Water Experiment
I got this emailed to me from a friend and found it very interesting! Let me know what you think!! “Below is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on […]
Realty, unreality and our perceptions
“The secret cause of suffering is unreality…Reality is perception, and the suffering person gets trapped by negative perceptions of his own creation.” (I read this text over at California Fever today.) This is a very powerful statement and it is so true! I know I have said this over and over again but I think […]
Child free areas??
Okay here is something to ponder: Someone suggested tonight that we should designate “child free areas” around the hotel that I work at. This is because many parents allow their children to simply do whatever they please even if it is disturbing the other guests. The common areas are a problem (like the pools and […]